2 months back, I did a little posting on 25 Group Buying websites in Malaysia - I believe that number has perhaps grown to like 40 or 50 by now. However, some of you may ask... if there are so many, which is the best then? Lets do a little comparison... and for this, I have decided to take MilkADeal, Groupsmore, Hahah, WeBUY and SuperDeals to do this comparison... do comment pls ya. =)
Disclaimer Note: This is purely my own opinion only and shall not be used as an advice whether to buy or not to buy. *wink*
I have decided to compare the 5 above - based on looks, deals and 'others/etc' LOL.
Whats the first thing that attracts you to check out the website further? The layout and outlook of course. =)

Out of the 5, I like Hahah.com.my a lot with its first impression as well as the colours. A good contrast of yellow, orange and black and a white background - easy to the eyes, and pretty catchy too. I quite like the layout of the deals too - not too cramp, and enough information to catch. As for the website layout - I actually think they could do a bit better - right now there are indeed too much unused spaces (especially on the right column).

The next up, would be MilkADeal.com. I like the way they split out the deals under different categories, making it easy to identify what to buy, what to get and so on. But the colours... I would be honest, it does look kinda dull. The website layout is pretty nice too. Anyways, I do have a little question for MilkADeal - why is the picture on the right - milk being poured into a glass... shouldnt it be a picture of someone milking a cow instead? Just a random thought...

While most other websites use a lot of black and grey colours, SuperDeals.my plays with vibrant colours - which is quite an immediate eye catcher. However, despite catching my eyes, I very quickly clicked away to another site - as in my opinion, the deals layout, and the web layout - just doesnt go much. In my opinion, SuperDeals.my do not need to put in that Twitter widget on their site, just as 'Follow us on Twitter' would probably be enough. =)

The big name - but somehow despite the hype, I would say, GroupsMore somehow just didnt catch my eye at all, and the colours are just too dull for my liking. The website layout however is quite alright, with the customer support information easily obtainable. The layout of deals however, is way too cramp. I could see 6 deals the moment I load the website! I think perhaps, the deals layout needs a little revamp.

To put it in numbers, I would rank the 5 different group buying sites like this - in terms of layout and outlook. =) Dont bash me ya.
This is just my opinion.... BY THE WAY, my name is NOT "just my opinion" hehehe LOL.
Come back soon and I shall rank them based on the deals and more! =P
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