Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Dale & Jerine solve jigsaw puzzle...

Dale, now the retired sailor.

I got this two friends ar... one Ah Beng by the name of Dale, and then this Ah Lian, by the name of Jerine... anyways, here's a little story of them... =) After Dale discovered India and America - he go back and settle down in KL.

Jerine, the Ah Lian. =)

One day, Jerine called Dale over the telephone.

Jerine: "Dale ah Dale, I can't get my new jig saw puzzle fixed, mah-chiam all the edges cannot fix together, leh."

Dale: " Jig saw puzzle what picture, ha?"

Jerine: " The box show a big rooster, ".

Dale: "Okay, lah, okay, lah. I come over to hepchu, lah."

Dale arrives at Jerine's place, where she happily leads him to the kitchen table where the jigsaw puzzle is. Dale examines the puzzle and says, " Kan ni na, put back the corn flakes into the box, lah."

Kellogg's Corn Flakes. =)

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