Friday, June 24, 2011

Today's Hottie Feature - Shannon Chow. =)

Today's hottie special... is a blogger celebrity as well....

...and this is a sexy picture of today's hottie, with a Jia Yeen. =)

Before I start, as usual once again let me recap with some of the hotties whom I've done/shown/featured in the Hottie category. Here are those featured before wan...

Today's hottie feature...

Let me introduce you... to the new *face* of letter S... yes, S for Shannon Chow! =)

She does not like to be stalked. LOL. (just quoting the picture... but nah, go ahead and stalk her hehe)

Anyways, in case you didnt know of Shannon - she's a blogger. (obviously)

She blogs at =P

She's pretty popular on Facebook too! Go and "LIKE" her page today!

Errr.... ignore the picture of that guy ya... LOL. =)

She's on Twitter as well - go and follow her right away!!!

She's also Project O&O's first ever 1Youth Ambassador! =)

As per what her facebook says.... she's a Lifestyle Blogger, PR + Blogger About Shannon Chow Lifestyle, Events, the other side of Happening KL lifestyle, Food Review, Travel, Movies reviews, Photography and more...

She's so busy and got so many fans... that even if there's 3 of her, there's not enough to go around for all of us!!!

*Note* She's still very young ya... so, dont let your imaginations run too wild...

By the way, this popular celebrity blogger Shannon Chow supports so... you should too!!!!!!


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