Wednesday, June 29, 2011

UFOs seen in sky over London!

A baffling footage of bright lights dashing through the skyin London, UK, during the day has been posted on YouTube. The clip shows tiny circular specks of white light flying at high altitude over the city in broad daylight.

Against the clear blue sky, five of the UFOs are seen speeding in the same direction before disappearing behind a cloud. A much larger glowing disc then emerges from behind the same cloud. It hovers slowly in a tight circle as other small specks follow the path of the others - before vanishing back behind the cloud. The mysterious "mother ship" then returns to view briefly before finally disappearing.

Meanwhile, a small crowd gathered near the Radio 1 studio in Great Portland Street, West London, to watch the spectacle and film it on their mobiles. The footage was uploaded on Friday.

In the description, the video's author wrote: "Right - took over a week to get it....but finally managed to get these critters on camera on a clear day, and even get a close-up." "It seems to be attracting quite a crowd now when they appear. Can anyone explain what on earth these lights are please?" Beneath an earlier video, in which similar specs of light can be seen less clearly on a cloudy evening, the same user wrote: "Been seeing these odd lights over Central London (BBC Radio 1 building) randomly for the past week." "Managed to get them on camera yesterday (Thurday) evening."

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