Saturday, June 25, 2011

wine red's romance

A romance love which starts at the first sight when Danny and Sandy meet at the beach in the summer..

Do you ever watch the 'Grease' which released at 78s'?

love is in the summer's air..

excitement, fun and romance between a lovely couple, how they been through their journey together..

just like a shade of burgundy which painted beautifully on the beach of summer

leverage plaid shirt from Fumiko Kawa; ruffles blouse from my mum; wine red high-waisted shorts from Fumiko Kawa DIY; straw hat from Taiwan; wedges from Taiwan

and I planning to do a FAQ page, which I have emails to ask me about my personal life..

"fumiko, seems like you get so many pretty clothes from Japan..

could you provide me some must-go-spot for a wonderful fashion finds trip?.."

"you should smile, fumiko.. I think you are cute if you smile when you took photograph.. so why you don't smile always?.. "

"fumiko, does your works on your blog which consisting your real-life work task or personal point-of-view?.. "

"fumiko, where do you stay at currently?.. "

"do you know Japanese?.. could you write more about cosplay or lolita fashion?.. "

tons of question make me happy that my readers are wish to get close with me, and I will do a page for those questions which I will try my best to answer them..

connection between people is a pretty relationship to keep for.

my dear all, if you are also interested to join this pre-FAQ, feel free to drop me an email and write me your lovely questions..

I am super excited to read your mail^^

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