Monday, June 6, 2011

Emynau Cymraeg: 'Sain yr Utgorn'

Tôn: Aurelia   76 76D
Mae’r utgorn aur yn seinio
Ar fore’r trydydd dydd,
A’r saint yn canu clodydd  
Y Crist a’n gwnaeth yn rhydd.    
Fe ddaeth i achub dynion
A  llwyr ddileu pob loes,
Ond talodd bris ein pechod
Wrth farw ar y groes.
Ni thalwn byth y ddyled
Am bopeth a wnaeth Ef,
Ond gallwn hawlio’r wobr
Sydd inni yn y nef.
Pan ddaw i ben ein tymor
O weithio yn ei faes,
Fe’n galw adre’i orffwys
I’w foli ac un llais.
© 2010 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh
Cyf. Eirlys Gruffydd : ©  2011

The Trumpet Sounds  7676 D
Tune: Aurelia 
The trumpet sounds a fanfare,
Outside the empty grave;
The people sing their praises,
For Jesus came to save.
He came to save the fallen,
To seek and find the lost,
For us, we have redemption,
For Him the dreadful cost.
We never can repay Him
For all that He has done;
We can but claim the vict’ry
That He for us has won.
When all our work is over,
According to His ways,
He’ll call us home to Heaven,
To sing eternal praise!
© 2010 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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