Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Hundreds attend rally in Tulsa

     Yesterday, hundreds of people attended our rally in Tulsa on behalf of Captain Paul Fields. The news story below, with a picture of Guy Rodgers speaking at the rally, was one of over a half dozen news stories covering the event.  After the rally, Rodgers delivered the ACT! for America petition, signed by over 53,000 people, to Mayor Dewey Bartlett.
     Yes, there were counter-demonstrators, organized by a group calling itself the “Say No To Hate” Coalition. Visit here to see the Fox 23 News story and video of the rally and the counter-demonstration.
     Rodgers’ message at the rally was straightforward: Captain Fields was given an unlawful order to attend a “Law Enforcement Appreciation Day” that included observing the local mosque’s Friday prayers and attending a class in Islamic doctrines—an order that violated his constitutional rights.
Rodgers asked:

Do you believe, in today’s politically correct culture,
that a police chief, in Tulsa or anywhere else for that
matter, would force a Muslim officer to attend Christian
services and classes as part of a “Law Enforcement
Appreciation Day”?
Rodgers went on to state that he would agree with a Muslim police officer who refused an order to attend such an event, as this would be a violation of the Muslim’s rights—in the same way that Fields’ rights were violated.
     As for the counter-demonstrators, they did not address the message of the rally, that the rights of Captain Fields were violated.  This is typical. Our opponents rarely, if ever, speak to the substance of our concerns.  Instead, they name call and engage in character assassination—in the name of tolerance, of course.  Apparently, in their politically correct world-view, standing up for the constitutional rights of a police officer constitutes “hate.”

Downtown rally for Tulsa cop

By Glenn Schroeder

Hundreds rally downtown for a Tulsa Police Captain who they feel was wronged because of political correctness.  Paul Fields disobeyed an order to send officers to a law enforcement appreciation event at the Al Salam Mosque in Tulsa. For that infraction, Fields was suspended for two weeks.

Tuesday’s rally was organized by the group Act for America. Guy Rodgers is the organization’s Executive Director.  He has a message for Tulsa Mayor Dewey Bartlett and Police Chief Chuck Jordan: “Before you lose in court do the right thing now and show the people of Tulsa that you’re listening to them.”  Rodgers argued “This is all about respect for the constitution, respect for the rule of law, and it’s about respect for the rights of a law enforcement officer who was given an unlawful order.”

Those attending a counter-rally would probably beg to differ. Said one woman wearing a 'Say No to Hate' t-shirt: “I think it’s amazing that so many Oklahomans that purport that they are Christians, have such hate in their hearts."

Mana Tahaie is Director of Racial Justice at the YWCA and a member of Tulsa’s 'Say No to Hate'  Coalition: “We know that Act for America is very strategic about using opportunities in communities to gin up Islamophobia.”

Last winter Fields was told by his superiors to send some of his officers to an open house at the mosque. He responded by saying he felt the order was unlawful and was against his personal religious beliefs.

Computer Memory/history Of

computer memory/history of
computer memory/history of

Blow Up Dolls Taking Over the Movies, Real Life?

For some movie producers, the cheapest way of filming a large stadium crowd is to populate the seats with blow-up dolls. More realistic than cardboard cut-outs -- but cheaper than human extras or computer generated crowds -- the blow-up dolls fill an important role in movies that call for a human crowd.
The Inflatable Crowd is a Santa Monica company that supplies seas of lifelike blow-up dolls to films like Iron Man 2, The Fighter, and Contagion. Outsourcing the role of “background actors” to inanimate objects isn’t new, of course; producers have used cardboard cutouts in the past. But those two-dimensional performers severely limit usable camera angles. And adding a CG crowd can cost $50,000 per scene. Inflatables look real and are affordable, with a day rate starting at just $10 per head, roughly a tenth the typical rate for a human extra. (Plus, they guarantee a shorter lunch line at craft services.) Joe Biggins, founder of the Inflatable Crowd, has been pimping his dolls to movies since 2003. Sometimes the job is small—he used a mere 1,500 dummies in the opening scene of The King’s Speech. But to make a stadium come to life in Flags of Our Fathers, Biggins filled the seats with 5,000 inflatables, then interspersed about 750 real people to provide a little natural motion. He keeps a Gardena warehouse stocked with some 30,000 dolls, 27,000 masks, and thousands of wigs and costumes to suit any time period. Packing for a big shoot can take a week (he has to brush all the hair and iron all the clothes), and it takes a six-person crew 10 hours to get 1,000 of the airheads into their seats. _Wired
Economically, it makes sense, and I would expect to see more of this sort of thing. Making a blow-up doll that is capable of simple movements such as hand-waving, clapping, standing and sitting, etc. is a matter of cheap and simple pneumatics. There are a number of other simple and inexpensive modifications that would turn simple blow-ups into sophisticated people surrogates.

Blow-up dolls could be made to look much more like real people, with realistic hair, skin tone and texture, and subtle sound and motion effects. As personal substitutes, blow-up dolls could become a valuable part of any person's everyday toolkit. Teenagers, for example, could use surrogate blow-ups (that snore) to reassure parents that they are sound asleep in bed, when they are actually out partying. A husband could pose his blow-up in his workshop or under the hood of his car, while he himself is off watching the game and drinking beer with his buddies. Workers could perch their blow-ups inside work cubicles, uttering occasional expletives, while they themselves are attending to personal business or drinking in the corner bar. You get the idea -- the trend being toward something like what was portrayed in the Bruce Willis movie Surrogates.

Generally, blow-up dolls are thought of as sex toys. There is nothing wrong with sex toys, as such. But in societies which are uncomfortable with human sexuality, sometimes criminal prosecutors take sex toys far too seriously and make fools out of themselves.

Russians, on the other hand, appear to treat blow-up dolls in the appropriate light hearted manner, using them as flotation devices for the annual Bubble Baba Challenge river race.

The advantage of blow-ups is their low price. The more sophisticated and life-like surrogates become, the more expensive and less like blow-ups they will grow.

The ultimate surrogate might be one that could stand in for President Obama at press conferences, so that he could get in a few more holes of golf. In that case, you might say that American voters were getting 2 presidents for the price of 1. And when you come to think of it, it doesn't really require much intelligence to read from a teleprompter in front of a crowd of sycophantic press drones. They could even replace the reporters with blow-ups. Truly cut-rate models would suffice, in the case of the White House press corps.

It is easy to imagine university lecture halls with blow-up professors lecturing to amphitheatres full of blow-up students, and university bureaucracies teeming with administrative blow-up overbloat, in keeping with the rapidly inflating costs of higher education.

There is no telling where this trend may end. Entrepreneurs should stand ready to meet nascent demand.

Greg Scheer's song 'Love Away the Hate' still in the Charts after 9 weeks!

Love Away the Hate, which is one of the songs on Greg Scheer's new album, Simply Greg, has been in the NCM Charts now since week ending 9th July. 

Here are just a few of the comments about this song from DJs who have played it on air:

  • '9/10 Excellent - A mood setting song of intercession.'   Roger Hill  :  DJ  : NCM Radio Show (UK)

  • 'Nicely written and sung.'  Alan Potter  :  DJ  :  HHR Radio & Tempo FM (UK)

  • 'Good words and backing.'  :  David Aird  :  DJ  :  Black Diamond FM 107.8 (Scotland)

  • '10/10 Excellent. Simply set to music. Simply sung. This is good.'  :  Dennis Payne  :  DJ  :  Sonrayasia, Hot FM Son FM 106.7 (Australia)

  • 'Very Good.'  Kurt Gabriel  :  DJ  :   (Austria & Slovakia)  :  Radio Theben, EMCA Radio,,

A visit to Peckover House, Wisbech

     Last weekend I was in Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, on a family visit, and we went along to visit Peckover House, s National Trust property in the town. The house was built as a merchant's house in 1722, and for 150 years of its history it was owned by the Peckover family. They were Quakers, and they operated a bank from the premises from 1792 until 1876.
     I loved the gardens which are around two acres in size, although they are laid out in such a way that they seem to be far bigger. All in all it was a very enjoyable visit, and a good way to spend a couple of hours relaxing. I should also add that our trip to the Red Barn Tea Rooms was also very enjoyable, even if a little fattening!
 I loved this tree with its almost white bark.
 The gardens stretched a long way, with plenty to see.
The borders were well laid out, and although my photos don't really portray it well enough, there was plenty of colour. There were two very active beehives in the gardens, and you could purchase honey from them in the Gift Shop.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Sharing the love of Christ through Heaven's Family

I have been a supporter of Heaven's Family, of which this is just one part of the work that they do, for many years now. It's an organisation which I can commend to you for your support. The following email about the continuing work in North Korea has just arrived on my PC.

Posted: 29 Aug 2011 10:29 AM PDT

Dear Friends,
Just this month we helped fund the smuggling of food for 45 families (about 200 people) inside North Korea. As a result, we received the following letter that was secretly carried back out of the country, written by one of those blessed by your compassion. Here is the actual letter with the translation following….
Our life on this side is like going deeper and deeper into a mountain range: we live expecting it will be better every year, but faced with ever harsher reality, it cannot be explained with anything. Such a boundless misery, the whole population is suffering from starvation. That is, there is no compensation for struggle no matter how great; there is no profit in doing business. Consequently, beggars continue to increase in number on the street.
Occasionally, homes are empty overnight, and rumor goes around saying the occupants ran away somewhere. It is now common everywhere to disregard a person lying dead on the street and for no one to care. It is because such things happen too often. So, in the midst of this, it became possible not only for us to overcome this hardship, but also to share with those who are suffering around us.
Indeed, if God hadn’t helped us, we’d have become beggars now. We do not know how to repay your favors. We can only tell and pray to Him. We have experienced God’s marvelous works here. Truly we thank you.
Thanks for praying and giving to feed our suffering North Korean brothers and sisters in Christ through the North Korean Christians Fund.
On their behalf,

Elisabeth Servant
Director, North Korean Christians Fund

Joanne Lowe's Meditations

"And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire."
Revelation 20:15 (King James Version)
      God's pictures are in a different place than on the wall like we see in homes.  God's wall of pictures is in the Book of Life.  I believe when we are saved that our names and also our pictures are recorded in the Book of Life.  Just as we like to look at the pictures on the wall, God also likes to look at our pictures.
      Our Scripture verse is one of the saddest verses in the Bible.  If our names are not written in the book of life, we will go to hell instead of Heaven.  What a terrifying thought that someone would go to hell!  Christians need to fall on their knees and cry out to God for the salvation of their family and their friends.
      Before I had arthritis, I used to have my devotions on my knees.  I would kneel at the side of my bed and sing to Jesus and read my Bible out loud and pray out loud.  O what joy filled my heart when I was able to kneel and worship my precious Saviour!  I can't kneel any more because of my arthritis.
      If you have family members or if you have friends who have never accepted Jesus as personal Saviour, pray for their salvation.  However, just praying for them is not enough.  Our family and our friends need to see the difference that Jesus made in our life.  Do they see Jesus in your actions?
      My name and picture are recorded in the Book of Life.  Is your name and picture recorded in the Book of Life?  If not, I urge you, I plead with you to give your heart and life to Jesus before it is too late!  One day, it will be too late for you to invite Jesus into your heart.  Don't miss out on spending eternity with Jesus.
Joanne Lowe

More Great Christian Quotes

"When I try, I fail. When I trust, He succeeds."
- Corrie Ten Boom

"Great cathedrals and costly houses of worship dazzle our eyes and stir the wonder of the passerby; mighty throngs stream through their aisles every Sabbath; and yet there is a situation that chills the hearts of many of God's wisest servants. It is a good time to inquire, 'Where is the Lord God of Elijah?'"

- Rev. E. K. Cox, 1929

"One hundred religious persons knit into a unity by careful organization do not constitute a church any more than eleven dead men make a football team."

- A.W. Tozer

"We live in a day of itching ears but I have no commission from God to scratch them."

- Leonard Ravenhill

"A true love of God must begin with a delight in his holiness."
- Jonathan Edwards

"Religion today is not transforming people; rather it is being transformed by the people. It is not raising the moral level of society; it is descending to society's own level, and congratulating itself that it has scored a victory because society is smilingly accepting its surrender."

- A. W. Tozer

"The early church was married to poverty, prisons and persecutions. Today, the church is married to prosperity, personality, and popularity."
- Leonard Ravenhill

"Trying to do the Lord's work in your own strength is the most confusing, exhausting, and tedious of all work. But when you are filled with the Holy Spirit, then the ministry of Jesus just flows out of you."

- Corrie Ten Boom.

Some Of A Computer's Memory

Some of a computer's memory
Some of a computer's memory

The Rise of the Zombie Empire: Resistance is Futile

They walk freely among us, unheeded. Infected by brain parasites, behaviours subtly altered. Two billion infected, and counting.
Zombies are popular fictional examples of brain alteration that is usually caused by a biological agent. But inside every fiction is the kernel of truth. Zombies are so popular in part because they are uncomfortably familiar.

At least two billion people worldwide are infected by the protozoan, many from eating infected meat. Initial symptoms are mild flu, after which the parasite forms cysts that lodge in the brain. There they remain for decades... _NYT
Two recent studies reveal how microbes can alter normal brain functioning. Researchers from California and Singapore detailed how the protozoan Toxoplasma Gondii is capable of blunting normal fear responses to threat in animals. Canadian and Irish researchers have discovered a mind-altering effect from probiotic bacteria -- specifically, a species of lactobacillus. The lactobacillus was found to lower stress, anxiety, and depression related behaviours in mice.

Microbes can change our brains, and make us somehow different. In extreme cases -- as in brain-eating amoeba or fatal encephalitis and meningitis -- they can kill our brains outright. But sometimes they kill or disable only a portion of our brains, and leave us alive, but altered. And sometimes they live inside of us, changing us chemically by their metabolic excreta.

These are not the "borg" of fiction. There are no brain implants or electrodes controlling us. But biology is much stranger than we understand. We can go to Robert Heinlein's "The Puppet Masters," for a vivid fictional account of extraterrestrial invaders able to attach to humans, growing tentacles into human brains and spinal cords. That would be an extreme example of biological control of humans by "the other."

Far more subtle, and easier to bring about, would be genetically controlled microbes able to insert themselves into particular parts of the brain, to bring about neurochemical alterations -- either temporary or permanent. By targeting the brain region of choice, behaviours could be manipulated according to an overall plan or scheme.

Even easier, would be normal body flora genetically altered to secrete brain-altering chemicals, such as benzodiazepine or amphetamine. Something a little extra in your yogurt or your moisturizing cream. Schools, prisons, and armies should take special note.

We are far beyond the skills needed for such simple manipulations. And given the apparent state control of modern popular media and scientific publishing, who would know -- or be able to say anything about it?

Here is how to make your own yogurt. Just in case. Some of us may not be infected yet. There may be safe retreats left, far from the teeming mobs. It may not be too late......Heh.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Computer Memory Containing

computer memory containing
computer memory containing

Elephant and the Blind Men

Once upon a time, there lived six blind men in a village. One day the villagers told them, "Hey, there is an elephant in the village today."

They had no idea what an elephant is. They decided, "Even though we would not be able to see it, let us go and feel it anyway." All of them went where the elephant was. Everyone of them touched the elephant.

"Hey, the elephant is a pillar," said the first man who touched his leg.

"Oh, no! it is like a rope," said the second man who touched the tail.

"Oh, no! it is like a thick branch of a tree," said the third man who touched the trunk of the elephant.

"It is like a big hand fan" said the fourth man who touched the ear of the elephant.

"It is like a huge wall," said the fifth man who touched the belly of the elephant.

"It is like a solid pipe," Said the sixth man who touched the tusk of the elephant.

They began to argue about the elephant and everyone of them insisted that he was right. It looked like they were getting agitated. A wise man was passing by and he saw this. He stopped and asked them, "What is the matter?" They said, "We cannot agree to what the elephant is like." Each one of them told what he thought the elephant was like. The wise man calmly explained to them, "All of you are right. The reason every one of  you is telling it differently because each one of you touched the different part of the elephant. So, actually the elephant has all those features what you all said."

"Oh!" everyone said. There was no more fight. They felt happy that they were all right.

The Moral of the Story:-

Is that there may be some truth to what someone says. Sometimes we can see that truth and sometimes not because they may have different perspective which we may not agree too. So, rather than arguing like the blind men, we should say, "Maybe you have your reasons." This way we don’t get in arguments and get a chance to relook in to matter and solve it without any prejudice.

The Barber Who Didn't Believe

A man went to a barber shop to have his hair and his beard cut as always. He started to have a good conversation with the barber who attended him. They talked about so many things and various subjects. Suddenly, they touched the subject of God. The barber said: "Look man, I don't believe that God exists as you say so."

"Why do you say that?" asked the client. "Well, it's so easy, you just have to go out in the street to realize that God does not exist. Tell me, if God exists, would there be so many sick people? Would there be abandoned children? If God exists, there would be no suffering nor pain. I can't think of a God who permits all of these things."

The client stopped for a moment thinking but he didn't want to respond so as to prevent an argument. The barber finished his job and the client went out of the shop. Just after he left the barber shop he saw a man in the street with a long hair and beard (it seems that it had been a long time since he had his hair cut and he looked so untidy).

Then the client again entered the barber shop and he said to the barber:

"know what? Barbers do not exist."

"How come they don't exist?"-asked the barber. "Well I am here and I am a barber."

"No!" the client exclaimed. "They don't exist because if they did there would be no people with long hair and beards like that man who walks in the street."

"Ah, barbers do exist, what happens is that people do not come to us."

"Exactly!"- affirmed the client. "That's the point. God does exist, what happens is people don't go to Him and do not look for Him that's why there's so much pain and suffering in the world."

Life is a Glass

"Life is a Glass given to us to Fill;

A Busy Life is filling it with as much as it can hold;

A Hurried Life has had more poured into it than it can contain."

-~William Adams Brown~-.


Today I decided to quit...

I quit My Job, My Relationship, My Spirituality, My Life.

I went to the woods to have one last talk with GOD.

"GOD", I said.

"Can you give me one good reason not to quit?"

His answer surprised me...

GOD Light
"Look around", GOD said.

"Do you see the fern and the bamboo?"

"Yes", I replied.

"When I planted the fern and the bamboo seeds, I took very good care of them. I gave them light. 
I gave them water. The fern quickly grew from the earth. Its brilliant green covered the floor.

Yet nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo.

In the second year the Fern grew more vibrant and plentiful. 
And again, nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo." GOD said.

"In year three there was still nothing from the bamboo seed. But I would not quit.

In year four, again, there was nothing from the bamboo see. I would not quit." GOD said.

"Then in the fifth year a tiny sprout emerged from the earth.

Compared to the fern it was seemingly small and insignificant.

But, just six months later the bamboo rose to over 100 feet tall. It had spent the five years growing roots. Those roots made it strong and gave it what it needed to survive. I would not give any of my creations a challenge it could not handle." GOD said to me.

"Did you know, that all this time you have been struggling, you have actually been growing roots? I would not quit on the bamboo. I will never quit on you. Don't compare yourself to others. " GOD said.

"The bamboo had a different purpose than the fern. Yet they both make the forest beautiful. Your time will come." GOD said to me."You will rise high"

"How high should I rise?" I asked.

"How high will the bamboo rise?" GOD asked in return.

"As high as it can?" I questioned

"Yes." GOD said, "Give me glory by rising as high as you can."

I left the forest and bring back this story.

I hope these words can help...
Moral of the Story

Keep Faith in your Heart. Never Give Up. Some times, Some work need more time to achieve.
Give time, Keep Patience, Always concentrate on Goal.
Never think about when you will achieve your goal. Just do your job. 
Give your 100% efforts without any doubt.

Success is not a goal. You work for your goal not for success. 
Remember, Success is the fruit of your work done.

Desktop Shortcut Keys

Shortcut Keys:-

Windows key + E = Explorer
Windows key + Break = System properties
Windows key + F = Search
Windows key + D = Hide/Display all windows
ALT + Tab = Switch between windows
ALT, Space, X = Maximize window
CTRL + Shift + Esc = Task Manager
CTRL + C = Copy
CTRL + X = Cut
CTRL + V = Paste
CTRL + Z   = Undo an action
CTRL + Y  = Redo an action
CTRL + A  =Select all items in a document or window
F1 = Display Help
F2 = Rename the selected item
F3 = Search for a file or folder
F4 = Display the Address bar list in Windows Explorer
F5 = Refresh the active window
F6 = Cycle through screen elements in a window or on the desktop
F10 = Activate the menu bar in the active program
Alt + F4 = To Close applications one-by-one
Alt + Tab = To Switch between windows
Alt + 0176 = To write degree symbol in word / power point
Windows Key+d = To minimize windows
Windows Key+Shift+M=  Maximize Again.
Alt+Space bar+N= To minimize
Alt + Left Arrow = Back
Alt + Right = Forward
Windows key + L = to display log off screen.

The True King

The King of Iran had heard that Birbal was one of the wisest men in the East and desirous of meeting him sent him an invitation to visit his country.

In due course, Birbal arrived in Iran.

When he entered the palace, he was flabbergasted to find not one but six kings seated there.

All looked alike. All were dressed in kingly robes. Who was the real king?

The very next moment he got his answer. Confidently, he approached the king and bowed to him.

"But how did you identify me?" the king asked, puzzled.

Birbal smiled and explained: "The false kings were all looking at you, while you yourself looked straight ahead. Even in regal robes, the common people will always look to their king for support."

Overjoyed, the king embraced Birbal and showered him with gifts.

The Road of Life

"The Road of Life Twists and Turns and

No Two Directions are ever the Same.

Yet Our Lessons come from the journey,

Not the Destination."

Men reaction

A guy, sitting outside his home about to be evicted from his house, was contemplating how the future would be after he had divorced his wife, lost his Children and lost his job.

He notices a crate of empty beer bottles and walks up to it.

He takes out an Empty bottle, smashing it into the concrete wall swearing,
"You are the reason I don' t have a wife",

Second bottle, "You are the reason I don't have my Children",

Third bottle "You are the reason I lost my job".

He notices the Fourth bottle is sealed and still full of beer.

He takes the Bottle, puts it aside and says….

"Stand aside my dear friend, I know you were Not Involved."

Tip to remove Internet Explorer Runtime Error

Sometime you come across different run-time errors when you are using Internet Explorer like 
"A Run-time Error has occurred. Do you wish to Debug?" or "Internet Explorer Script Error. An error has occurred in the script on line 1. Do you wish to continue running scripts on this page?"

You have to change the setting of  Internet Explorer  to avoid seeing this message. 

It involves disabling runtime and script errors.

To make the change, do the following:

1. Open Internet Explorer.
2. Click on Tools and then Options.
3. Click on the Advanced tab.
4. Check the boxes next to Disable script debugging (Internet Explorer) and (Other)
5. Remove the check in the box for Display a notification about every script error
6. Click Ok.

Happiness- Aristotle

Happiness is the Meaning and the Purpose of life,

the whole Aim and End of Human Existence.


Board Inside The Computer.

board inside the computer.
board inside the computer.

Child Labor, Price Gouging, Ticket Scalping, Organ Sales, Insider Trading, and Other Examples of Legalizing "Sin"

Overly simple explanations, but worth thinking about.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Santouka Hokkaido Ramen, Tokyo Street, Pavilion KL - The Preview.

One of the most exciting foodie places that has emerged recently is Tokyo Street - at Pavilion KL. I was there for the first time ever yesterday, and wow... I was impressed. =)

The Santouka Hokkaido Ramen.

I shall upload the pictures and blog about it soon.

CBHB - 2nd Quarter FY2011 =)

The following has been extracted and sourced from Bursa Malaysia. =)

For the 2nd quarter under review, Crest Builder Holdings Berhad's revenue increased by 21% to RM122 million from RM100.7 million in the corresponding 2nd quarter of the preceding year. The profit after tax increased by 6% to RM3.4million from RM3.2 million the in corresponding second quarter of the preceding year.

The increase in revenue and profit after tax were mainly due to the higher contribution from property development activities undertaken during the current quarter. =P

"built-in" Computer Memory

"built-in" computer memory

Saturday, August 27, 2011

The World Can Fit in Texas

If the entire population of Earth, almost 7 billion people, lived in the same population density as New York City, they could fit inside of the state of Texas. And yet Texas is still trying to keep people out.

Of course that's not counting the farmland required to feed them, but still, pretty cool.

Petaling Street, Kuala Lumpur.

Last Sunday, I was at Petaling Street - randomly, just to snap some pictures. =)

Petaling Street (Malay: Jalan Petaling, Simplified Chinese: 茨厂街, Traditional Chinese: 茨廠街, pinyin: Cíchǎng Jiē, Cantonese: Chee Cheong Kai) is a Chinatown located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It is infamous for pirated clothes and accessories along with bootleg DVDs and CDs. Petaling Street however does not exclusively offer pirated products. Haggling is a common sight here and the place is usually crowded with locals as well as tourists.

The area has dozens of restaurants and food stalls, serving local favourites such as Hokkien mee, ikan bakar (barbecued fish), asam laksa and curry noodles. Traders here are mainly Chinese but there are also Indian, Malay, and Bangladeshi traders.

The original Chinatown centred on Market Square. Jalan Tun H.S. Lee or High Street, became increasingly popular as it was higher than the rest of the town and therefore less prone to floods. The wealthier and more ornate shop houses were built north of Jalan Cheng Lock, closer to the business centre.

Buy toys and much more here.

The scene during the daytime.

Sometimes you'll see this too.

Watches, anyone?


The chic with me who took this picture. =)

For those who want to shop in a bit of air cond, can check out the Pasaraya area.

Nail � USB Memory Stick

Nail � USB Memory Stick
Nail � USB Memory Stick

Alan Watson and the Merseyside Big Band

Went out on Thursday evening to Maghull Town Hall in Liverpool (UK), with my friend, the Runcorn-based singer Alan Watson, who records with Sheer Joy Music. He sings with the Merseyside Big Band at their regular monthly visit to the venue, and I was treated to a great bit of swing. I especially loved the alto sax solos. Great evening! 

Google Tech Talk: Steve Hsu -- Genetic Basis for Intelligence

This fascinating Google Tech Talk was given by Steve Hsu last week, and just put up at Google Tech Videos. Steve is a physics professor at the University of Oregon, with a special interest in human intelligence.

Slides for Steve Hsu's talk (PDF)

Hsu is involved in a study which seeks to find links between genes and high IQ. The study is looking for individuals with IQs that test higher than 3 standard deviations above the mean, in a clear effort to cut to the chase.

Hsu's talk is well worth watching for anyone interested in the genetics of cognitive ability. As high tech infrastructures grow more sophisticated and crucial to advanced societies' successes, their high IQ smart fractions take on an ever greater importance.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Joanne Lowe's Meditations

"I have blotted out, as a thick cloud, thy transgressions, and, as a cloud, thy sins: return unto me; for I have redeemed thee."
Isaiah 44:22 (King James Version)
      People think that Christians are supposed to be perfect people.  Christians are not perfect.  They are only saved sinners.  I received an email from someone who wrote "I stopped going to church and started going to bars with my old friends.  I have also started drinking again and I am so ashamed of myself."
      I replied and wrote "Go talk to your pastor and tell your pastor what you told me."  The person emailed me again and wrote "Do you think Jesus still loves me?"  I told that person "Yes, Jesus still loves you and He will always love you.  There is nothing you could do that would make Him stop loving you."
      I submit to you on the authority of God's Word that Jesus does love us when we fail Him and hurt Him.  "The LORD hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee" (Jeremiah 31:3).
      However, just because we know that Jesus will always love us is no excuse to deliberately do things that hurts Him.  It should be just the opposite.  We should do everything we can possibly do to make Him happy.  We know that Jesus loves us.  Do we love Him?  If so, how much do we love Him?
      If you have strayed, confess your sins and return to Him.  Don't allow satan to keep you away from your Saviour.  Jesus said "return unto me; for I have redeemed thee".  Jesus is waiting with a heart full of love and with His arms open wide for you to come back to Him.
Joanne Lowe

Why Go To Church?

A Church-goer wrote a letter to the editor of a newspaper and complained that it made no sense to go to church every Sunday. "I've gone for 30 years now," he wrote, "and in that time I have heard something like 3,000 sermons. But for the life of me, I can't remember a single one of them, so I think I'm wasting my time, and the pastors are wasting theirs by giving sermons at all."

This started a real controversy in the 'Letters to the Editor' column, much to the delight of the editor. It went on for weeks until someone wrote this clincher:

"I've been married for 30 years now.  In that time my wife has cooked some 32,000 meals. But, for the life of me, I cannot recall the entire menu for a single one of those meals. But I do know this.. They all nourished me and gave me the strength I needed to do my work. If my wife had not given me these meals, I would be physically dead today.  Likewise, if I had not gone to church for nourishment, I would be spiritually dead today!" When you are DOWN to nothing..... God is UP to something! Faith sees the invisible, believes the incredible and receives the impossible!
Thank God for our physical AND our spiritual nourishment! 

Here's a few thoughts for today . . .

"When Satan is knocking at your door, simply say,
"Jesus, could you get that for me?" 

When you are down to nothing, God is UP to something!

Faith sees the invisible, believes the incredible and receives the impossible!

Eric Yong : Being Media Shy?

Some people asked me recently what do I do - in which I replied; Property and Construction lorrr... and then some even asked me, how come I am not media shy, or not camera shy... and probably a lot of other random questions. Errr.... Okay, I am actually quite camera shy too LOL; but every now and then I do enjoy being in the media a bit. It is all about the branding and the good of the company, and ideally, it is about talking the markets up etc etc bla bla bla.

So, someone asked me how often have I appeared in the papers; I would say.. not many times. I used to appear considerably quite often - but none so far in 2011; perhaps thats why some say I am media shy.

The first time I appeared in the papers was way back in 2007. In a little interview with The Star's Bizweek - I mentioned about the company's business direction, the company's sector-by-sector performances, the order book and so on. Then, I also talked about the property division and its various upcoming projects.

And then fair enough, they interviewed me again when we secured the Verticas Residensi project; a massive prestigious project in the heart of Bukit Ceylon, developed by premium developers WingTai Asia of Singapore.

Awhile later, I also appeared in the Chinese papers; an interesting interview once again on the updates of the company's performances, and the outlooks of the company. It was a 2 part article - with a big mention on Tierra Crest - our new commercial office development in Kelana Jaya. Comparing the descriptions that I mentioned before and today - there have been some major upgrades and improvements to the design; and ultimately, even the Gross Development Value had increased quite a bit.

Then awhile later in middle of 2008, I was somewhat misquoted a bit on The Edge Financial Daily. I had mentioned that we might consider setting up other entities to enhance our earnings further, such as forming a Real Estate Investment Trust. This is something that I believe will enhance earnings for the Group - however there is nothing on paper yet. Even up til now, I still believe in that - but that is really the long term goal.

When it came to March 2009, I appeared on a full page for the first time ever. The Edge did a very comprehensive feature on Crest Builder in their weekly The Edge - with the main highlight being our acquisition of the 4.26 acre land in Damansara Perdana, the current property projects as well as an outlook onto the Group's Construction Division for 2009... Oh best part, and it had a mention of this BLOG too!

And then we went for the Bursa Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Rat Race, organized by The Edge Malaysia. I didnt run, but I formed the team and I went all out to support my boys.
2009 was also the same year that I was shortlisted under the Prestige Top 40 Under 40. It was indeed an awesome recognition of my contributions, despite my age - and I really appreciated it. And then I also appeared and featured on Property Buyer magazine, with a good interview and writeup. Amongst my favourite question/reply was this... "What is it like working with family?"

I just answered - Its like 18-hour long family days. I always say that I work 8 days a week and dinners are like half a board meeting because my two sisters work with the family plus my parents are both directors too!

And then The Edge's Financial Daily featured me on a cover story. I told Mr Chong Jin Hun that we are now on an expansion basis - of which apart from our expertise as a building specialist, we also want to eye other areas in the industry - areas with lesser projects and competition.

And then about a year ago, there was another article on me and the company, on the deferment of our Kiara Crest luxury condominium project in Mont Kiara. We were planning to develop a 38-storey luxury tower housing 178 condominiums with floor space of between 2,000 sq ft and 2,600 sq ft on a 2.93-acre freehold land. With only six units per floor on 32 levels, the average unit will have between two and four bedrooms. Each unit will have a minimum of three car parks... but the plans would probably be delayed a bit as there is no rush for this project.

So all in, I reckon I have been considerably quite media shy, just a handful of articles and interviews in the last few years. I am still rather active on Twitter as well, ready to answer and advice any questions on the construction and property industry, as well as questions on the government, politics, policies and perhaps, just ask me anything. I would answer based on what I know.

Anyways, I think I would still be rather 'media-shy' til end of the year at least, but look on the bright side... just look out for my blog here, and we shall see more exciting things brewing for the company. =)

Can You Intensify Experience by "Overclocking" Your Brain?

Different parts of the brain communicate with each other via frequency modulation, involving high frequency gamma waves modulated by low frequency theta waves. Presumably, the higher the frequency of the gamma carrier wave, the greater the possible communication bandwidth and the faster a high fidelity signal could be passed accurately. Far more easily said than done, of course.
Neurons recruited for local computations exhibit rhythmic activity at gamma frequencies. The amplitude and frequency of these oscillations are continuously modulated depending on stimulus and behavioral state. This modulation is believed to crucially control information flow across cortical rapidly balancing excitation with inhibition, the hippocampal network is able to swiftly modulate gamma oscillations over a wide band of frequencies. _ScienceDirect

Besides finding ways to prolong one's life, it would be worthwhile to find ways to live one's life more intensely. In earlier postings on Al Fin Longevity, we have discussed ways in which we might reduce the amount of time spent in sleep, without suffering from diminished mental or physical health. There are also everyday ways in which a person can intensify his experience of his waking time. Some examples are listed at the end of this piece.

From the neurocognitive standpoint, the concept of the controlled "overclocking" of the brain -- speeding up the functioning of brain processes so that more can be experienced and accomplished in less time -- is just coming into the realm of possiblity. The concept, once developed, will rest upon a sound understanding of brain processing and inter-brain communications.
Brain activity changes between different brain states, whether awake, asleep, drugged, etc. Besides the activation of different centers in the brain according to brain state, the actual speed (frequency) of brain activity varies with different brain states.

It is thought that synchronous oscillations involving gamma carrier waves (30 to 100 Hz) modulated by theta frequencies (4 to 8 Hz) allow multiple brain processes to occur, including the transfer of working memory to long-term memory, and the binding of different sensory or other inputs into a coherent mental image of an object or idea. In other words, the way the oscillations of the brain are organised on a moment to moment basis, is what allows us to "think" and remember. (see Working Memory: The Importance of Theta and Gamma Oscillations, Lisman, Current Biology Vol 20 No 11)
Gamma oscillations are thought to transiently link distributed cell assemblies that are processing related information1, 2, a function that is probably important for network processes such as perception1, 2, 3, attentional selection4 and memory5, 6. This 'binding' mechanism requires that spatially distributed cells fire together with millisecond range precision7, 8; _Nature
A microcomputer has a synchronous clock that controls the speed of the processes being run. A brain has no such central clock controller, but higher brain function does involve transient locked synchrony between different parts of the brain. How could we speed up this synchrony as it spontaneously occurs and disappears across the cortex?

We know that the top end of the gamma "carrier wave" frequency can vary between types of animals. Some kinds of insects, for example, exhibit brain synchrony at frequencies up to 200 Hz in certain circuits. (Kirschfeld PNAS USA Vol. 89, pp. 4764-4768, May 1992 Neurobiology)

Different frequencies of gamma oscillation serve to connect different brain centers, in practise. This allows for simultaneous parallel activity between multiple circuits. Therefore, when "overclocking," one must be sure not to "step on" the frequencies used by different brain circuits.

There are a number of other cautions, assuming that one had a good idea how to begin to go about ramping up gamma oscillation carrier wave frequencies in the first place. The intricacy of neuronal signaling of brain circuits should discourage any attempts to permanently alter neuronal oscillatory activity. For example, gamma frequencies are closely controlled and modulated by inhibitory interneurons. You cannot change the timing of just one type of cell and expect to maintain a system of smooth communication between brain nuclei. Rather, multiple keys that control the timing of networks across the brain will have to be discovered and mastered.

Al Fin neuroscientists believe that the key to fruitful research along these lines will be found in the field of optogenomics. But Al Fin neuropharmacologists are convinced that they can develop a drug medley which could accomplish the same thing. The biological limits of cognitive functioning will not be easily transcended by just one breakthrough from one particular field of research.

Why should we bother to attempt something which will require so much work? It is possible, after all, to intensify the experience of everyday life without resorting to the extremes of genetic modification of the brain. Below are some of the everyday means by which some persons provide themselves with temporary experiences of high intensity consciousness:

Pharmacological brain stimulants have been used for this purpose for centuries, but in general they extract a steep price from the user who does not exercise prudence. Veterans of combat can attest to the consciousness-intensifying effect of the life-or-death experience. But we are looking for something more sustainable and less risky. Sky-diving, hang gliding, scuba diving, whitewater kayaking, etc. are less risky than combat, but provide a temporary aura of intensity which lingers after the experience. In occupational settings, life or death emergencies attended to by firefighters, police officers, EMS personnel, medical personnel in hospitals, etc. provide temporary "fixes" of intensity. And under the category of "not to be recommended," the commission of a crime and the attendant risk of being caught supplies the outlaw with a feeling of intensity which can become addictive to some. Similarly, committing acts which may be legal but which are socially or occupationally frowned upon, can sometimes provide a touch of that "outlaw intensity," that accompanies risk.

Perhaps the most dangerous method of intensifying experience is to fall in love. The fallout from such a turn is apt to be fatal to any number of persons involved, or in the immediate vicinity. ;-)

Still, the challenges of the modern day world require a significantly higher level of insight and invention than is typically found within populations at large -- even within high IQ populations made up of largely European or East Asian peoples. The inertia of the monkey mind is difficult to overcome. And still we keep trying.

Adapted from an earlier article at Al Fin Longevity
