Sunday, June 19, 2011

Working in the Back Yard

 The sun has just come out for a while, although there's still plenty of rain threatened, so I took the opportunity of planting up the new planter that I completed earlier in the week.
The two baskets on the wall have pink and red geraniums in them.
Yesterday we went out to buy the plants and got a beautiful rose from Fryer's Roses at their Garden Centre. This will look really great once it has established itself in the planter. It has a soft pink bloom and a fabulous perfume, so you can imagine how nice it will be to sit on the patio area on a warm summer's evening.  
Next to the planter we have a large pot which helps to shield the planter from the wind that rushes through the gate on occasion. The mixture of green planting complements the forest green stain on the planter. 
Altogether, in addition to the rose, we planted a lavender, a Hebe with a pink/green variegated leaf, a white and a pink Carnation, Lobelia, and a miniature white Chrysanthemum. Once they have all become established they will make a great show, especially with the colours of the old brick as a back-drop.
Can't wait now to fire up the chiminea and relax out there on a sunny afternoon or evening!

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