Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Purpose Of Life.

It's like 8.45pm, on a Saturday night. Yes, I am indeed sitting at home. In my room with my three adorabubblelicious monkeys - Fatty and Ally are double-teaming Perry as I write this. =) Why am I home today? My friends are somehow everywhere, or rather busy. And I dont feel like heading out too far as well. Some in Singapore, some at Sepang, some as far as Rawang and so on, some just plain busy. Anyways, a colleague asked me today - what is the purpose of life? I thought for quite awhile today, and then I figured... maybe I could write something. Lets hope I dont run off topic ok.

If you asked me what is my purpose of life.... to be frank, I really dont know.

A normal person would probably spend 20% of his life studying, another 70% of his time working, and the remaining 10%... post retirement. If you look at this breakdown, I would think that since we spend most of our life working, it is best that we enjoy what we work, and enjoy what we do.

Construction. This is Alam Idaman, Shah Alam.

Lets see... what do I enjoy doing?

I love construction.
When I was young, I loved my LEGO toys. I love seeing buildings and architecture - and I enjoy drawing. I still do right now, and I am just quite surprised that I didnt study architecture and instead went into engineering. Architecture or engineering - at the end of the day, I am involved in construction... and I guess, this is indeed my passion and thankfully, this is what I do.

I enjoy blogging.
The next thing I enjoy doing is... writing. In this case, I have picked up blogging as my next passion. Mind you - blogging as a passion can be quite stressful. I strive to blog well so that my readers come back, and I strive to blog as much as I could so that I get more readers. I have managed to grow my blog traffic from a mere 40-50 per day a year ago, to a good 4,000+ per day right now, which I am actually proud of. =)

Gadgets, cars and doggie time.
What else do I enjoy? I enjoy speeding, I enjoy eating, spending time with my doggies, gadgets, games and so on. Ultimately, the answer to that is simple - I enjoy doing things that require money. =) I am glad that my day job pays me enough, and my side passion as a blogger also rewards me - with new friends, new places to eat, advertorials and so on.

SO... back to the question, what is indeed the purpose of life?

Speeding. LOL. (by the way, this is a computer generated image LOL)

If you read the few paragraphs I have above, seems like the one word that I used the most is ENJOY. Yes, enjoy is the word. I enjoy enjoying myself, and ultimately, that sorts of makes up my answer to that million dollar question.

My doggies. =)

I live to enjoy. I love to enjoy myself. To have the kind of enjoyment, I need the time and money for it - hence I work hard in my job, so that I can earn better to have a better enjoyment.

It is indeed... a chicken and egg situation, isnt it?

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