Monday, June 20, 2011

More Great Christian Quotes

"What will it cost me for God to break my heart?" - "It will cost you absolutely everything."
- Gerhard DuToit

"Would that God would make hell so read to us that we cannot rest; heaven so real that we must have men there."
- Hudson Taylor

Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tyre?
- Corrie Ten Boom

"Without the Spirit of God, we can do nothing. We are as ships without wind. We are useless."
- Charles Spurgeon

"In revival, holiness becomes a constant necessity, rather than an occasional option."
- Mark Stippe

"Lost people matter to God, and so they must matter to us."
- Keith Wright

"There are only two kinds of persons: those dead in sin and those dead to sin."
- Leonard Ravenhill

"Your days at the most cannot be very long, so use them to the best of your ability for the glory of God and the benefit of your generation."
- General Booth

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