Today, I had a little chat with a super pretty lady about Miniature Schnauzers. Note, I am not an expert, but in the past 6-7 years, I have had experience of owning quite a few different Miniature Schnauzers, hence perhaps I can share some of the experience here.
The Miniature Schnauzer is a breed of small dog of the Schnauzer type that originated in Germany in the mid-to-late 19th century. Miniature Schnauzers developed from crosses between the Standard Schnauzer and one or more smaller breeds such as the Poodle and Affenpinscher. The breed remains one of the most popular world wide, primarily for its temperament and relatively small size.
Let me share my experience with... Fatty, Ally and Perry. =)

My doggies are such adorabubblelicious creatures... in fact, they can be pretty human as well.
Like above - they actually enjoy watching TV!

They sleep for many many many hours a day. =P

...and they love going out for car rides!!!
The Official Standard of the Miniature Schnauzer describes temperament as "alert and spirited, yet obedient to command. He or she is friendly, intelligent and willing to please. He/She should never be overaggressive or timid.
Chammaine asked me if Miniature Schnauzers were 'barky' or 'noisy'....
Hence today... I shall share abit about temperament, or rather, noise. =) I will try to explain abit on the vast difference of them all... My first schnauzer was a male, and he was rather barky and noisy. That was, until we got him a girlfriend, and he toned down quite a bit. Together with his girlfriend (who was a gem of a schnauzer), they had three kids, Fatty, Greedy and Ally. (I actually gave Greedy away cos could not cope with too many marr...) Then Fatty met her boyfriend Reef, and gave birth to Perry. There you go... thats the little family tree. =)

This is Fatty.
In terms of obedience, she's actually the best of Fatty, Ally and Perry. She is very smart. She watches a trick, and learns after like 5 mins. Alone - she is very quiet indeed, and in fact, she's been to so many different hotels in Klang Valley due to her quietness. Together with the other two however, she turns into a much noisier fella - I guess it is because she's just being protective and authoritative with the other two. =) Fatty however, has an attitude problem. Firstly, she can be provoked easily and she might just attack with a nibble or a light bite... and if she is not in the mood, she can take the treat from your hand, walk away, drop it to the floor and then pee on it and walk away from it. TALK ABOUT ATTITUDE!

This is Ally.
For a 6 year old schnauzer, she has conned many many people into thinking that she's only 6 months old (yes, same size as Perry now). Ally on the other hand, can be quite timid, but she's kinda quite noisy. She barks at strangers all the time, and barks whenever she hears some funny sound around her. She is very greedy, much greedier than Fatty, and she would do all kinds of tricks just to get a treat! Attitude wise - she's the good girl. She barks, but does not bite at all. Very gentle and of course, very manja. =P

...and this is... PERRY.
I personally think that the reason he's such a spoilt brat is because Fatty loves him too much, and we love him too much too. Perry barks ALL THE TIME whenever he's alone in the playpen, whenever we leave him in the room and so on. Basically, Perry barks for attention. =( Perry is really very noisy, and if he doesnt get it his way, he makes a funny sound. He hates to be groomed or have his hair combed, and he would scream like a girl once your comb touches him. He is super greedy as well, and he would make all kinds of funny sounds just to have a treat too. He loves to play 'tag', as well as wrestling. He wrestles with his mummy Fatty quite often, and then when he feels like it, he'll wrestle with Ally and Ally always gets annoyed and walks away.
There you go... I think if you were to see their videos, you would fall in love with miniature schnauzers too. =)
This is Fatty on the treadmill...
This is Perry, screaming like a girl. =)
...and this is Ally, acting cute.
They are so adorable, arent they?
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