Friday, October 15, 2010


Location-Four parathyroid gland located at the back of the thyroid gland but functionally independent of thyroid.
Structure-Yellow coloured compactly solid mass of cell and the secretory cell called principal or chief cell.
-This gland secrete a peptide hormone called parathyroid hormone (PTH) or parathormone.
-Its secretion is controlled by circulatory plasma level of Ca++.
-It is a hypercalcemic hormone and increase Ca++ level of blood in the following ways-
1.It stimulate bone resorption or dissolution or demineralisation.
2.Increases Ca++ absorption from renal tubules.
3.Increases Ca++ absorption from intestine.
-PTH together with TCT regulates calcium balance of the body.
-Hyperparathyroidism causes osteitis fibrosa cystica disease where demineralised bone become soft and prone to fracture.

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