Tuesday, October 12, 2010


-It is present at the floor of fore brain.
-Hypothalamus contain groups of neurosecretory cells which secrete neurohormones.-These hormone controls the secretion and synthesis of pituitary hormones.
-Two types of hormone are secreted by hypothalamus.

1.Releasing hormone            2. Inhibitory hormone

1.Releasing hormone:-These hormone stimulates the pituitary to secrete other hormone.These are as follows-
*Gonadotrophin releasing hormone(GnRH)-Stimulate pituitary to release gonadotrophin.
-Gonadotrophin are of two types-
(a)Follicle stimulating hormone(FSH-RH)
(B)Luteinising hormone releasing hormone(LH-RH) in female while ICSH-RH in male.
*Thyrotrophin releasine  hormone (TRH)- It stimalates anterior pituitary to  release Adrenocortioco trophic hormone (ACTH).
*Growth hormone releasing hormone (GH-RH ) or Somatotrophin releasing hormone.. 
-It stimulates pituitary to produce growth hormone (GH).
*Prolactin releasing hormone( PRH)or Luteotrophic or lactogenic hormone releasing hormone (LTH-RH).
-It slimalates petuitary to produce prolactin hormone..
2.Inhebitory hormone- These hormones of hypothalamues inhibetes the production of hormones in the pituitary.
*Growth hormone inhibiting hormone (GHIH) or somatotrophin inhibiting hormone (SIH)
-It checks the release of GH 
* Prolactin inhibiting hormone (PIH)-It check the secretion of prolactin. 
Neurohormone directly poured  in pituitary
Two hormone as oxytocin and vasopressin directly poured in the posterior pituitary gland.

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