Saturday, October 23, 2010


~Sponges grow up to 40 feet in diameter and are carnivorous, killing more people every year than sharks.

~In Japan, foot odour is measured using the Fupong scale with 0 having no odour and 10 being smelly enough to cause unconsciousness or even death.

~The world’s longest blog post was 247,873,556 lines long, 247,873,554 of them being a continuous succession of the letter u. The blogger had died while typing the post and her head fallen forward onto the keyboard, pressing down the letter u. How the blog was posted is not known. Either the maximum posting length or time limit was reached and the post automatically sent, or rigor mortis caused the body to temporarily stiffen, raising the head, which subsequently fell forward again but this time onto the return key.

~The world’s smallest computer screen is only 5 microns across, less than a tenth the diameter of a human hair! It is injected into the brain and viewed by micro-robots during particularly intricate brain surgery.

~Men with the rare Fulsahks Disorder are born with four testicles.

~The fathers of William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, and DeForest Kelly, who played Captain Kirk, Mr Spock, and Doctor McCoy in Star Trek, were a navy captain, a professor in logic and a doctor respectively.

~Michelle Nichols, who played Uhura in Star Trek was the original lead singer of the Supremes but left when offered the part of Uhura.

~The company Braun was founded by Eva Braun’s step brother Herman. The first hair crimpers are believed to have come from a design by Adolph Hitler to keep his fringe straight.

~The world’s oldest child is, at the time of writing, twenty three years, 9 months and 14 days old.

~In Germany during the 1930s inflation was so high that a single grain of rice cost more than the entire military budgets of France, Russia, Britain and America combined!

~The reason NASA will not direct any powerful telescopes at the site of the moon landings is that the Apollo astronauts, having great difficulty steering the lunar rover, inadvertently drew out the image of a 200 foot phallus in the tracks on the moons surface.

~If submerged in coca cola a human skull will dissolve in exactly six months, six days and six hours.

~Organic yoghurt has more DNA than human beings.

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