Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Drug Dealers are Losers

Every high school student should watch this. Based on ten years of research and interaction with actual gang members, the data concludes that being a drug dealer is one of the worst jobs in America. Here are the facts:
  • average dealer makes $3.50 an hour (half the minimum wage)
  • death rate was 7% per person per year
  • compared to 2% on death row or .5% for soldiers in Iraq
  • based on that, being in a gang for 10 years means you have a 70% chance of dying
Outside of legalizing these drugs, how do we change this? One, convince them how bad this is, because many of my students don't believe it. Two, give them good options by helping them to graduate high school.

Related: Despite what Freakonomics claims, it wasn't abortion that lowered crime, it was prescription drugs.

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