Sunday, April 25, 2010

Jesus Christ on the Radio?

Heard this radio show while driving recently:
Jesus is played by the show's producer, Neil Saavedra, who belongs to no denomination and who is "usually too tired to attend church after his program." Saavedra calls the program "interactive radio theater to teach people from all walks of life about the historical person of Jesus Christ." As a matter of practice, Saavedra refers to himself as "your holy host" and God as "my father," asks that people pray "to me," and that "the way to salvation is through belief in my sacrifice."
Of course he doesn't really believe he's Jesus, but does that make it okay? I'm going to say no, but listen for yourself. It's not specifically the pretending to be Jesus that feels blasphemous to me. After all, I'm not necessarily offended by the Passion of the Christ movie. It's that he speaks for Jesus, but uses his own wisdom. Many of the topics sounds more like a question for Dear Abby than for Jesus.

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