Sunday, April 25, 2010

Past Modal Practice: Should + Present Perfect.

"At the Opera" Mary Cassatt, 1879

Use Should + Present Perfect Tense to comment about a past action. You're saying that the past action didn't happen in the best way. The person doing the action made a mistake. The speaker supposes that the past action would have turned out better if the recommended action had been followed.

1. I didn't ask my employer for a raise.

2. I parked in a towaway zone yesterday.

3. Bill didn't tell Julie he was married.

4. Our team didn't practice enough before the game.

5. I forgot to clean my glasses before the movie.

6. Maria and Jose left their passports in their hotel room.

7. The children are cranky because they didn't take a nap this afternoon.

8. My sink didn't work very well, and I didn't call the plumber. Now, it's worse.

9. I drank a lot of coffee before bedtime last night and couldn't sleep at all.

10. Steve didn't wear a suit to his job interview yesterday.

11. I didn't bring an umbrella with me to work and it rained cats and dogs.

12. Lydia went away for the weekend without watering her house plants. Unfortunately, they died.

13. Dave forgot to put his car keys on the hook where they belong. He couldn't find them this morning.

14. We didn't buy a map and, as a result, we got lost on dark roads in Oklahoma City.

15. I got up late and just missed the bus. So, I didn't get to the meeting on time.

16. Sally didn't take the cookies out of the oven soon enough. So, they burned.

17. I didn't go to the opera with you last night. I really missed a good performance.

18. Fred didn't drive carefully enough during his driving test.

19. Olivia didn't dance well enough at her audition last weekend.

20. Andrew bought a used computer and it crashed the day after he bought it.

21. Pratt didn't speak clearly enough at his presentation yesterday.

22. Sally was very late to work yesterday.

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