Monday, January 26, 2009

Les Chats de l'hiver

The title means "The cats of winter," and Minden and München have fluffed out, cuddled up and used their instincts to keep warm against the bitter Michigan winter.

Not that they're outside cats, of course. Minden once did stray into the garage - a fascinating place. But staying warm, even when it's 70 degrees inside, is an art form. It requires two talented cats to form a single heart-shaped pussycat.

München has a special hideaway in the back of the closet, atop a fuzzy blanket and beneath Dad's sweaters.

Minden, when he's not cuddled with München, will cuddle with Kissy Missy on her recliner.

C'est l'hiver en Michigan. C'est froid. Maintainez le chat chaud!

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