Monday, January 19, 2009

The Design Matters

Clean, clear designs are appealing whether they were made in the early part of the century or just last year. We are drawn to a brand new retro looking design as if it were an old book unearthed in a antiquarian bookshop. The graphics, lettering and design affect our emotions before we may even have time to read the title and digest the subject. Our highly developed sense of aesthetics guide us to pick up that book with the beautiful cover or that product with the striking label. Great design makes the identity of a product enticing.

The work of Louise Fili, whose cover art appears above, takes her viewers into a world of exquisite design with references to typography and layout evoking a different place and time while creating a strikingly clean, clear and modern identity. She makes her products so appealing, it's hard to imagine living without them.

Here are a few inspiring examples from her recent work.

Images courtesy of Louise Fili Ltd.

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