Thursday, January 8, 2009

Dialogue Workout 53

A: Excuse me. Are you by any chance Tony Jeffers?
B: George Parker! I can’t believe it’s you.
A: It’s been a long time. How have you been?
B: Fine. I’ve been great. And how about you?
A: Everything is fine with me, too. It’s great seeing you.
B: So, tell me what’s been happening with you.
A: I’m married now. That’s the most important news..
B: Married? Fantastic. How long have you been married?
A: I’ve been married for two years now.
B: Two years? Do you have any children?
A: Yes, I have one daughter. She’s one year old.
B: Wow. A lot has changed in your life.
A: How about you? Do you still live on Capp Street?
B: No, I haven’t lived on Capp Street for several years.
A: Where do you live now? Give me your new address.
B: I live on Folsom Street. I live at 1324 Folsom Street.
A: I don’t have a pen. Can I borrow yours?
B: Write down my phone number too. It’s 824-7658.
A: Tell me, Tony. Are you still a house painter?
B: No, I haven’t been a house painter for a long time.
A: What do you do now?
B: I’ve been working as an electrician for seven years.
A: That’s good news. I was a waiter, but now I’m a chef.
B: That’s great. How long have you been a chef?
A: I’ve been a chef since they built the new restaurant.
B: Do you still sing in the church choir?
A: No. I haven’t sung in the church choir for a long time.
B: You used to have a fine singing voice.
A: Thank you. I still sing, but now I sing popular songs.
B: I used to go fishing on Saturdays, but I don’t anymore
A: Excuse me. Are you Judy Smith by any chance?
B: Sally Walters. I can’t believe I ran into you. How are you?
A: Fine, Judy. My goodness, I haven’t seen you in years.
B: I know, Sally. It’s been a very long time. How have you been?
A: I’ve been great. How about you? Everything okay?
B: Say, I haven’t had lunch yet. How about you?
A: What have you been doing since I last saw you?
B: I’ve been working very hard.
A: What kind of job do you have?
B: I’m a full time mother. I’ve been raising three kids.
A: Three kids? Wow, you really have been busy.
B: They’re a lot of work and a lot of fun.
A: Do you still play the violin?
B: I sometimes play the violin, but I’m very busy.
A: I know. Me too. I sometimes play the piano, but after work, I’m usually too tired.
B: Where do you work?
A: I’m a dental assistant. I work at Children’s Hospital.
B: How long have you been a dental assistant?
A: I’ve been a dental assistant for six years.
B: What did you do before that? I forget.
A: I worked in a clothing store and studied at night.
B: How is your husband, Joe? Is he still a mechanic?
A: Yes, he is. He has been fixing cars for years.
B: I haven’t seen him for a long time. Say “hi” for me.
A: Well, that was a nice lunch. I have to pick up my kids.
B: What school do they attend?
A: They attend Edison Elementary School. They really enjoy it.
B: My son has been in high school for two years.
A: Oh, he’s been a student for a long time.
B: Yes. And next year he plans to go to San Francisco State University.

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