Sunday, July 3, 2011

A Hymn for a Baptismal Service

Baptism   L.M.
TUNE: Melcombe
As to the Jordan  went our Lord,
So now we bring this child to you.
Baptise with water and with Word,
As you have bid us all to do.

This little child we now baptise,
As heir of our Redeemer’s grace;
A living symbol of our faith,
With water now a cross we trace.

On his/her behalf our promise make,
              To lead him/her in the Christian way;
To watch and teach, and help him/her learn
To follow Jesus every day.

So now dear Lord, we hand him/her o’er,
Into Your pure and loving care;
To mould him/her in Your perfect way,
Him/her for Your Kingdom to prepare.
© 2006 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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