Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Dinner at Tuen Mun, Hong Kong.

Found yet another 'drafted' blog post - which I had already uploaded the pics but havent had time to blog about yet. This one is a few months back, in Hong Kong - and Tuen Mun to be specific. We had dinner there with our friends in Hong Kong. Lets see if I remember everything that we ate...

Meet the Blue Girl. I mean, the beer... not the guy behind, thats Josh. LOL.

Just look at that... just makes the mouth water isnt it?

Another awesome dish - which I have also forgotten the name LOL.

Yummy roast duck!

Not my favourite - but I loved this one... somehow vegetables in Hong Kong always tastes fresher!

Ahh.... yet another of my favourite!


Another very fresh vegetable dish.

Our dinner for the night. =)

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