Sunday, July 24, 2011

Penang assam laksa is world's top 10 food!

It doesn't matter if you live to eat, or eat to live.

Penang's famed assam laksa is one of the dishes worth traversing the world for, according to a CNN International food survey. Under its CNNGo guide to lifestyle, shopping, hotels and restaurants, Malaysia's popular dish is also seventh among the world's 50 most delicious food. CNNGo describes the dish as “poached, flaked mackerel, tamarind, chili, mint, lemongrass, onion, pineapple an addictive spicy-sour fish broth with noodles.”

It added that the Penang assam laksa was especially great when fused with ginger “that'll have your nose running before the spoon even hits your lips.” Two popular Singaporean dishes (that's also part of our staple diet in Malaysia) have made it to CNNGo's list as well. At no. 45 is the national dish of Singapore, chicken rice. 'Whenever you're not actually in Singapore eating chicken rice, you're thinking of it,' the website says.

Placing higher at no. 35 is Singapore's infamous chilli crab, which the website describes as a 'spicy, sloppy, meaty specialty' that is a must-try when visiting Singapore. Thailand's Massaman curry tops the list, and is described as the 'king of all foods', with its 'spicy, sweet and savoury' flavours.

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