Monday, July 4, 2011

3 Hymns for use at The Communion Service

Communion (1)  7676
TUNE: Aurelia
We gather round your table,
as in the upper floor,
to thank You and remember,
Until You come once more.
We come now in repentance,
then, cleansed by mercy fine,
just as did Your disciples,
we share the bread and wine.
Your sacrificial off’ring,
the way Your blood was shed,
we drink the wine in mem’ry,
then break and eat the bread.
We wait for your return, Lord,
for on that glorious day,
we’ll join with you together,
then in your rest we’ll stay.
Our heads bowed low before You,
forgiven, pure in heart,
we rise up from Your table,
once more to take our part.
Sacred and blessed communion,
that we have shared this day,
is drawing to a close now ,
but in our hearts will stay.
© 2006 Colin Gordon-Farleigh

Light of Life CM
TUNE: Richmond
Lord Jesus now, O light of life,
Fill me with joy anew;
For I would feign remember Thee,
And praise and thank Thee too.
Gathered around Thy table here,
To take the bread and wine;
Recalling that great sacrifice,
That brought the gift divine.
We eat the bread and drink the wine,
Repentant in our heart,
We rest within your perfect peace,
A new beginning start.
And when at last we turn aside,
Redeemed, restored, refreshed,
May we remember, evermore,
This sacred moment blessed.
© 2006 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

Bread and Wine LM
TUNE:  Old 100th 
Redeemed by Him, and then restored,
Keeping the death of Christ the Lord.
In memory we share this food,
The bread His flesh, the wine His blood.

Take, eat, and now remember Him,
His body broken in our stead,
In full forgiveness, till He come,
Share in the breaking of the bread.

Then as we take the cup of wine
His life-blood shed to set us free
Deeply we drink from draught of pain,
His blood was shed for you and me.

Our sweet communion, Three-in-One,
By mercy, through His grace, we meet
To share in this memorial feast,
Then praise and worship at His feet.
 © 2006 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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