Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Union Boss: "Screw the Workers! We're In It for the Power"

How Big Unions Exercise Power

  1. By getting friendly legislators, judges, and bureaucrats elected and appointed
  2. By lobbying legislators and bureaucrats for favourable legislation and regulations
  3. By well-timed work stoppages and slowdowns to influence public sentiment
  4. By the use of violent attacks and threats of violence against political enemies
  5. By using political influence to immunise union activists from arrest and prosecution
  6. By using allies within organised crime as "force multipliers"
and so on . . .

Source: Breitbart_via_NewsAlert

When unions invade the public sector, they corrupt every aspect of government. No longer is government looking out for the people. Instead, the primary purpose of government is to protect special interests -- primary among them being public sector unions.

Unionised public sector workers can refuse to clear snow-clogged streets. They can refuse to answer distress calls for assistance. They can refuse to provide care to anyone they choose. They can do all this because the mechanisms which might protect the public from arbitrary abuse of power by unionised public workers against the public depend upon action by other unionised public workers -- or by the abusive public workers themselves.

At the same time that citizens in western countries grow older and less able to take care of every critical aspect of their lives, governments are growing increasingly unionised AND influenced by public sector unions. Public sector union members have different health care policies and different pension plans than everyone else. Why should they care if everyone else has to suffer from union abuse of power?

More: US States Begin to Fight Back for Sake of Survival

Unions Cry Crocodile Tears in Fear of Retribution, Beg for Mercy with Knife at Throat of Taxpayers

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