Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Don't Forget About India

I talk a lot about China on this blog. It's economy is growing and that's good for everyone. It's political power is growing, with a less clear outcome. China even "won" the last summer Olympics. But there's another growing nation that's not getting enough attention:
But talk of India as a future great power is unavoidable, and some Indians predict a tri-polar world, anchored by the US, China, and India, by mid-century. India’s population of 1.2 billion is four times that of the US, and likely to surpass China’s by 2025. Vijay Joshi of St John’s College, Oxford, argues that, “if we extrapolate present trends, India will have the world’s third largest national income (after the US and China) within 25 years.”
And it's got a couple advantages China doesn't. It's an English speaking, it's democratic, and Bollywood. India has a ways to go, but not as far as you might think. And while we're on the topic, don't forget the other-up-and coming super-economy, Brazil.

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