Saturday, January 22, 2011

Toronto's Human Library

Earlier this month I praised the efforts of fellow blogger Justin Wehr for offering his expertise free on Craigslist. Similarly, reader, commenter and old friend Cheryl recently pointed me towards this:
On Nov. 6, 2010, over 200 Torontonians checked out a "human book" from Toronto Public Library's inaugural Human Library collection.

The one-day pilot event was held at Toronto Reference Library, North York Central Library, Bloor Gladstone Branch, Lillian H. Smith Branch and Malvern Branch.

The library's 60 "human books" came from all walks of life. They spoke about a wide range of life experiences - from living in poverty or living with a disability, to immigrating to Canada, to serving in war, and much more.
It seems like most of them were something like non-fiction novels. Is there no room for a "human book" on introduction economics?

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