Saturday, September 4, 2010

Grammartalk 8, Present Perfect Progressive Tense, Page Two

"The Farmyard" Marc Chagall, 1957

A: You’ve been yawning all day. What’s up?
B: I haven’t been sleeping very well lately.
A: That’s a shame. Why haven’t you been sleeping?
B: I’ve been waking up in the middle of the night a lot.
A: You should try drinking Nighty Night tea. It will help you sleep.
B: That’s a good idea. I haven’t been doing anything about my sleeping problem.

A: You’ve been acting nervous all day. What’s up?
B: I’m going to fly in an airplane tomorrow.
A: Haven’t you ever flown in an airplane before?
B: No, I haven’t. I’ve been worrying about it for weeks.
A: Don’t worry! I’ve been flying in airplanes for years.
B: OK. I guess there’s nothing to be nervous about.

A: Toshi has been living in a small town in Japan all his life.
B: Yes, and now he’s going to move to San Francisco.
A: He’s nervous, because he’s never studied English.
B: His cousins have been studying English for years.
A: They’ll be able to help him.
B: Toshi has been speaking Japanese all his life.

A: Toshi has never shopped at an American supermarket.
B: Toshi’s cousins have been shopping in American supermarkets for years.
A: That’s great. They’ll be able to help him to adjust.
B: Toshi has been eating only Japanese food.
A: His cousins have been eating hamburgers for years.
B: They’ve also been having stomach problems.

A: Toshi has been taking his girlfriend to the movies for years.
B: Now, Toshi will have to leave his girlfriend.
A: Toshi’s cousins have been dating in America for years.
B: That’s nice. They’ll be able to introduce him to their friends.
A: Toshi has never left his small town in Japan.
B: His cousins have been traveling around for years.

A: How are you feeling, Mr. Jackson?
B: Well, Doctor, I’ve been having a back problem.
A: How long have you been having this problem?
B: It’s been bothering me for two weeks.
A: Have you ever had a back problem before?
B: No, I haven’t. This is the first time.

A: How is your appetite? Have you been eating well lately?
B: I’ve been eating a balanced diet, I think.
A: A lot of people have been coming to me with back problems recently.
B: What do you usually recommend?
A: I’ve been advising my patients to exercise regularly.

A: This is a list of exercises. Do them twice a day.
B: Have you other patients been using these exercises.
A: Yes, they have. And they’ve been getting good results.
B: Well, thank you. Frankly, I haven’t been exercising much.
A: It’s not easy to make time to exercise. But, try it.
B: I’ve been thinking about exercise for a long time.

A: Mario has been assembling cameras since 7 A.M.
B: Really? How many cameras has he assembled?
A: He’s assembled 19 cameras so far.
B: He’s never assembled that many cameras in one day before.
A: I know. Fortunately, he only has to assemble one more camera. Then, he can go home.
B: I bet he’s looking forward to a break.

A: Judy has been typing letters since 9 A.M.
B: Really? How many letters has she typed so far?
A: She’s typed 25 letters today, and she’s tired.
B: She’s never typed that many letters in one day before.
A: I know that. Fortunately, she only has to type one more letter. Then, she can go home.
B: I bet she’s looking forward to a relaxing dinner.

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