Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Obama Pelosi: Pretending the US has No Budgetary Crisis

The Obama Pelosi regime would like us to believe that 1 $trillion deficits are a normal way to run a country, and that nothing bad will happen as a result. As $trillion upon $trillion is piled onto the national debt, anyone with a functioning brain has to understand that interest rates on the debt will necessarily rise -- to keep the investors interested, as they notice that the dollar keeps getting weaker and the US is losing its edge economically, militarily, diplomatically.
Where the two political parties accept trillion dollar deficits, The Tea Party demands draconian change in our system of governance. They recognize the need for the coming Great Deconstruction. _NewGeography

You can't blame the Cato Institute for trying to grab a little of the enthusiasm coming from the grass roots Tea Party movement.
The Cato Institute has offered a website dedicated to downsizing the federal government. Cato outlines clear and concise methods to reduce spending and deconstruct the various departments of government as the Tea Party is demanding. Cato’s author, Chris Edwards, envisions the elimination of entire branches of the federal government by “devolving” various programs to the states.

The annual savings proposed by the Cato Institute study total more than $400 billion per year. Some call the recommendations draconian and outrageous. Yet the savings represent just 11% of current spending – a critical way to adjust to the new realities of the deconstruction.
It is amazing that cutting just $400 billion a year in federal spending could be called draconian and outrageous. Yet Obama Pelosi has the media, academia, and the punditry so bamboozled by flamboyant over-spending that any ideas of fiscal responsibility are immediately seen as unacceptable.

The US is in trouble. Its leadership is taking the nation on a path of suicidal insanity, and most of the population of the US is so dependent upon the federal government that breaking away from the addiction will cause real pain to tens of millions of people, at least. But they will live, if the rehabilitation and recovery is done carefully and judiciously. If nothing is done to stop the train wreck currently in progress, however, it is certain that large numbers will die -- and not just in the US.

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