Monday, September 6, 2010

Grammartalk 15, Page Three, Modal Plus Present Perfect

"Around the Fish" Paul Klee, 1926

A: I can't find Charlie's Restaurant in the phone book. It used to be so popular.
B: He must have gone out of business. I'm not surprised. The quality has been going downhill in recent years.
A: The chef he had working for him was top notch. The food was really exceptional.
B: That chef must have quit. He might have found a higher paying restaurant.
A: It's really a shame. Charlie's Restaurant was one of the best places for seafood in town.
B: We must have eaten there more than fifty times, but that's a rough guess.

A: I'm really frustrated. Every time I call this number, I get their voice mail.
B: It's twelve thirty. They must have gone out to lunch. What's the problem?
A: I'm having trouble with this new printer. I'm trying to get some advice from technical support.
B: The power light isn't on. You must not have plugged it in.
A: My God. How could I have forgotten to plug it in? That's what's wrong, of course.
B: Try plugging it in and see if that solves your problem. If not, you might have to take your printer back to the place you bought it.

A: How is the investigation proceeding, Detective Polumbo? Are you any closer to solving the mystery?
B: I have several important clues. You see those muddy foot prints? They must have been left by the killer.
A: That's unlikely, sir. Look at your own shoes. You must have tracked mud in here yourself.
B: Hmm. You're right. These prints are exactly my shoe size.
A: Any other important clues to report?
B: I just analyzed the bullet wound. It must have been caused by a Smith and Wesson revolver.
A: That's exactly the kind of revolver you're carrying. You must be the murderer!

A: Do you know where my reading glasses are? I thought I left them on the bookshelf.
B: I saw them on your briefcase next to the kitchen table.
A: I must have used them to read the morning paper. Then, I must have just set them on the briefcase absentmindedly.
B: Be careful where you leave your glasses. Some day, you might lose them.
A: Do you have any idea where my briefcase is? I must have searched everywhere for it.
B: I think it's in the kitchen. Don't you remember? I just told you that your glasses are sitting on it.

A: You very tired today, aren't you? You must not have slept very well last night.
B: Every morning, I get up at five. That means I have to be in bed asleep no later than ten.
A: So, you must have gone to bed too late. When did you finally fall asleep?
B: I didn't fall asleep until around two in the morning. I was too nervous to sleep.
A: I know. You're a fan of horror movies. You must have seen a really scary movie on TV before you went to bed last night. Right or wrong?
B: You guessed it. I saw "Night of The Serial Killers." It was one of the worst movies I've ever seen. And, it scared the daylights out of me.

A: Judy has been smiling all day long, and she hasn't been concentrating on her work.
B: She must have had a good time on her date last night. She went out with Jeff Hoyle again.
A: But she has gone out with Jeff Hoyle before. She has never been this happy the next day.
B: I think he finally must have proposed to her. That's why she's acting so distracted.
A: Is that why she keeps looking at that ring on her finger instead of typing reports?
B: It's definitely an engagement ring. The diamond is huge. It must have cost a fortune.

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