Wednesday, August 10, 2011

UK Riots: Time to reclaim our Nation

The riots in the UK over the last few days emphasise the urgency of the need to reclaim our Nation in the name of the Lord. No sane person, considering the events that have unfolded, can find any excuse for them Sure, some politicians have tried to divert the tragedy of it all by claiming that it's caused by poverty, deprivation, unemployment or some such similar lame excuse, but the facts of the matter are that it is down to criminal behaviour by thugs who have been molly-coddled by our Society into believing that they can do anything they want without fear of retribution. 

They may have got away with their behaviour for the moment but they will all pay the price for it ultimately, if not in this life, then in the next. Unless these people, regardless of their age, change their behaviour drastically, they are destined to join the power that motivates them in the very pit of Hell itself. Then they will find that the infernos that have been witnessed over the past few days are as nothing when compared with the fires of Hell, and that's one place where they can only get a one-way ticket to. The only way is 'IN' and once there, there is no escape.

The true fault lies with the politicians who have constantly ignored the need to set a proper example for our children; who have handed, by virtue of an assortment of so-called 'Human Rights' laws, power over to children. When I was a youngster the power was in the hands of the parents and adults in general, no matter that it was often abused,  but now, thanks to a series of laws passed by zealously liberal politicians more intent on self-promotion than the interests of the people who voted them into power, it is the children who tend to rule over the parents and other adults who are involved in their upbringing.

All of this needs to change. There is no easy fix, and without doubt it would require very painful change if the situation is to be righted. 

There is a need for the whole Nation to repent of the ways in which God has been rejected in favour of people doing their own thing rather than living the way that God has dictated. The resultant Society is one in which we are beset by a whole assortment of sexual misbehaviour that are  rampant. Daily we hear of instances of child abuse, of gang warfare, of killings and a wide variety of criminal behaviour. Laws have been enacted that are diametrically opposed to God's laws, simply in order to allow people to behave as they want to rather than as they should. Children are born to single mothers, often several children to one woman from liaisons with different fathers. Homosexual practices are paraded as the acceptable norm, despite the fact that all fornication is an abomination to God. Increasingly, the referral of civil partnerships between same-sex couples as being a marriage, occurs in certain areas of the media, despite the fact that marriage is the union of a man and a woman, usually believed to  be for the procreation of children. 

We live in a Society in which a large part of it exists as a result of the 'Benefit Culture', seeing no need to work because they can exist on benefits paid out by the State. Today there are families which are third-generation 'Benefit Families', members of which refuse to work and offer a variety of excuses for there failure to integrate properly into the system. 

Despite much trumpeting about the Education System, the sad fact is that it is simply not good enough, and huge numbers of youngsters leave school ell-equipped as a result of poor teaching methods and an over-indulgent system. Large numbers of students leave school or University with a great deal of knowledge, yet do not have the ability to apply that knowledge in everyday living.

Some idiot in a past era suggested that criminal behaviour was the result of children having under-privileged backgrounds, and this has subsequently been latched onto as a convenient peg  on which to hang every misdemeanour that unfolds. The Far Left of the political circus have much to answer for.

The end result is that we now live in  a Society that is badly damaged. It's not yet beyond repair, but it's certainly rapidly heading to a state of mortification. The atrocious behaviour that has seen our streets become battlefields and blazing infernos, ruled over by feral yobs who have no regard for anything or anyone, and who have no respect for others because they have no respect for themselves, is the tip of the iceberg. It is time for the authorities to take charge and impose authority. It is time that politicians realised that reducing the power of the police force by cutting their budgets and thereby reducing their numbers is a policy that is not only unworkable but is also unacceptable.

More than anything, I believe that it is time for this Nation, from the Government down, publicly repents of all of the things that are wrong, seeks God's forgiveness, and earnestly prays for God's help to put things right, and that means living according to His Word and not letting people do as they please with no thought for others.

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