Saturday, August 6, 2011

One of the basic blogging etiquette is never copy. =)

My friend Jerine wrote this in 2009, and she was telling about some basic blogging etiquettes... mmm... one of the basic stuffs is NEVER COPY!!!!!! Okay, I've copied the entire post here for your safe reading. =) ....and by the way, if you havent "LIKE" her FB yet - go and do it ya!!!

One of the basic blogging etiquette is never to copy what other blogger wrote before. In fact, it's not only an etiquette. It's the LAW! Have you heard of copyright protection? Unless the person's blog is under creative common attribution, you have no right to extract any part of that person's post without permission. Even if it's under creative common, you have to give credit to the author and also put a direct link to where the sources came from.

I'm angry when I read this trashy blog and found out that the person copied my post! She may claim that she didn't copy everything word-for-word, but I doubt she fucking knows that as long as I can prove she copied the substantial part of my post, that constitute breach of copyright!

And here's my prove... (in red is hers, and mine is in green)

I wrote the post on June 22, 2009. Two days later that moron copied my post. She didn't even have the creativity to come out with her own title. LOL...but she said she is enjoying Twitter as a creative mini-exercise. What the fuck is creative mini exercise, by the way?

By changing the word, but remain its meaning, it's still considered copying to me.

If I were to bring this case to the court, I could only show these comparison and tell the judge - res ipsa loquitur, that's sufficient for me to win the case. Yes, I can win the case by saying three latin words. Anyway, moron like her wouldn't understand that latin term anyway. Oh, there are more....

And even more!!!!!!!!!

Hahaha!!!!! I think she needs a defence now.

Sorry, I extra-highlighted some words on the print screen from my blog.

Fuyoh!!! She even copied my closing. But I was quite satisfied to see that no one bother to comment on that post. Stolen idea is never worth to comment.

Well, if this is a court case, I will strengthen my case by proving that this is my original idea. On June 22, 2009 I went to Maxis Centre to purchase the new BlackBerry Storm. While the Maxis boss showed me the application of Twitter, I saw Perez Hilton update on my timeline. That's when I had the idea to blog about him. As how I would prove that... I've got my Blackberry Storm today!!!!!!!!!! Yipppeeee!!!!!!!! I include that Sidekick has small buttons on its keypad because I knew it's freaking small. I wanted to buy a Sidekick in February.

Later I go through her whole blog to see what other stuff she took from my blog. And guess what???? I found this....

She copied the title of my post dated July 31, 2004. That's five years ago, man! And her post is only one month ago.

And she had the guts to @me on Twitter. If you don't tweet, @ is where you can catch that particular person's attention.

I think this moron is the stupidest person on earth. She copied my post, and then @me on Twitter. I guess she wanted me to write this hate post here and put her link on this post, so I can direct some traffic for her? Fuck off.... Although I'm a bimbo, but I'm not that stupid.

If you ever see this profile (scroll down), then you know that's the (I'm sick of calling her moron, let's call her fucktard instead, 'cos she's fucking retarded), fucktard!

What a nicely written description, "I write. I think. I manage stuff. I blog". Why don't she add another line, "I copied other people's blog". Diu nia mah chao hai!!!!

When I'm free I seriously have to come out with a post, "Copyright Law for Dumb Bloggers".

P/S: She took off that post after Nino commented on it. Then she wrote me two messages and unfollowed me on Twitter.

P/P/S: She removed her Twitter account and deleted her whole blog. I'm super happy!!!!!! Anyone wants to go for a beer?

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