Wednesday, July 6, 2011

More Great Christian Quotes

"People do not believe lies because they have to, but because they want to."
- Malcolm Muggeridge

"Unless we have WITHIN us that which is ABOVE us, we will eventually yield to that which is AMONG us."
- Unknown

"A preacher who preaches the truth uncompromisingly will be asked 'Does your preaching always have to be so pointy? Does it always have to be so sharp?' And of course the answer is no. He can blunt his message if he'd like, and become just as dull as the average preacher."
- Jesse Morrell

"It is not our business to make the message acceptable, but to make it available. We are not to see that they like it, but that they get it."
- Dr. Vance Havner

"The world is not waiting for a new definition of the Holy Ghost but a new demonstration of the Holy Ghost."
- Leonard Ravenhill

"Our lives are to be indisputable evidence of the resurrection of  Jesus Christ."
- Carter Conlon

"Prayer can do anything that God can do."
- E.M. Bounds

"What I have seen in the past 10 years of traveling - performing at a church one day and a casino the next - is that a lot of people in the church want to be entertained, and people in casinos want to be ministered to. That's hard to understand, but I see a hunger in the world that I don't see in the church."
- Ricky Skaggs (musician)

"To love means loving the unlovable. To forgive means pardoning the unpardonable. Faith means believing the unbelievable. Hope means hoping when everything seems hopeless."
- Gilbert K. Chesterton

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