Thursday, July 7, 2011

How to train your kids to use foul language at an early age

Adam Mansbach had a problem one night when his two-year old daughter wouldn't go to sleep, and so he ended up losing his patience to the point that he wrote a  children's bedtime book with a mixture of cutesy pictures and foul-mouthed rhymes. The author, illustrator, publishers and distributors are as pleased as punch with the result, because the sales of this obscene publication have soared through the roof.

How sad! they have all allowed the lure of money to cloud their sensibilities completely. That this book was ever written in the first place shows that Mansbach is a man comfortable with foul language, and one assumes that it is commonplace in his household. That so many people want to purchase the book is a sign of the foul-mouthed age in which we live. The use of such language demonstrates an inability to express oneself without resorting to an opportunity to demonstrate a lack of knowledge of the fullness of the English language.

It is claimed that this is not a book for children, although it is, by its design format and illustrations, a book that any small child will readily pick up if they find it in the house. Just think ... the little darlings can learn a whole lot of new words so that they can converse more readily with their parents and in what the publisher coyly claims is the language of the real world.

How sad that the book has been written; how sad that it has been illustrated; how sad that it has been published; how sad that reputable booksellers are offering it for sale, and how sad that so many people are buying it in order to satisfy their curiosity about seeing the obscene language in print. More than that, how sad that nobody spared a thought for innocence of the little children.

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