Saturday, July 2, 2011

The holiday season beckons!

The photograph above was taken a couple of years back when we spent our vacation in Cornwall, UK, and I felt as relaxed as I look in the picture. This past week I have been thinking about holidays and wishing that I was away in the sunshine, preferably fairly close to the sea. Sun, sea and sand! That's the right formula at the moment, and the combination would do much to take away the stress of modern-day living with all of its worries about making ends meet that so many of us, including me, have. 
 Apart from the holidays which we spend in Wales every year, my favourite holiday thoughts are centred high up in the mountains of Andalucia where we spent such a lovely holiday a couple of years ago in Bacor, staying in the cave house pictured below.

Here I was relaxing by the fountain in the village square, showing that I really do have legs, although this was the first time for many years that I had let the secret out!
It was great to spend a week away from modern communications and the stress that they bring into our lives. Much of our time in Bacor was spent either relaxing by the lake (above) or else wandering around the local area and nearby towns.

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