Friday, April 8, 2011

Probably THE BEST Carbonara in KL at Mezze, Jalan Kasah.

I have always been a fan of pasta carbonara. In fact, I would go for it so often - but then again, it is hard to find a good carbonara though. In the past, I used to frequent La Terrasse very often - until it closed down and then became Bakita LOL. I was very disappointed that I couldnt find the carbonara anymore.... until just earlier..

By the way, this awesome discovery today.... was because of last night's wine tasting (which I will blog later a bit...) - very much thanks to this guy...

Meet Chef Yves. He is the person in the kitchens of Mezze.

Anyways, how did this discovery came about?

Then meet this guy, Mr Sebastian. He previously started La Table (forgotten the spelling), and then La Terrasse (yes the awesome carbonara)... and then FITOU... all the above mentioned places has THE BEST carbonara ever.... and now, he's also the consultant for MEZZE.

MEZZE, at Jalan Kasah, next to Vintry. =)

Anyways... like I mentioned.... the BEST CARBONARA in KL!!!

Spaghetti carbonara. =)

This dish... needs no further introduction. Eric Yong endorsed it already!!!


We also had the super nice roasted pork belly... yes, siew yoke!!!

The pork infused caesar salad... do I need to say more?

I actually didnt try this, never liked mushrooms. But the gf loved it.... Portobello mushrooms.

The olio bacon pasta... a little oily, but just how I like it.

The costillas... pork ribs!!!

What is costillas? According to Wikipedia Spanish - En la anatomía de los vertebrados, las costillas son huesos largos y planos, que en su conjunto forman la caja torácica. En la mayoría de los vertebrados rodean el pecho, permitiendo a los que tienen pulmones expandirlos, facilitando la respiración. En general sirven de protección a los órganos internos del tórax, como el corazón, aunque en algunas especies, especialmente las serpientes, proveen soporte y protección a casi todo el cuerpo. I assure you... I do not understand any form of Spanish at all LOL.

The white wine that went very well for the dinner. =P

....and then, since it was my Chinese birthday, Sebastian treated me to some really awesome CHEESE!!!!!! I am not such a 'rare cheese' fan - but this one... you MUST TRY IT as well!!!

The Brillat-savarin a la truffe - a real good cheese, good for appetizer and dessert too!!!

Okay seriously, I think you have to go here and check out the place, try out their wine... and importantly, go for the pasta carbonara!

No 132 Jalan Kasah,
Medan Damansara
50490 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: +603 2095 0122

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