Thursday, September 6, 2007

Urging sacramental confession

Doing some research today in preparation for teaching Moral Theology to our candidates for the diaconate, I came across an interesting resolution of General Convention. It is the only case I know of where such a resolution has urged a group of people to go to confession. It is a rare approach in our tradition, so it took me by surprise. What group of people does this concern, you ask? Those who have procured an abortion.

As cited in Church Teaching Series, Vol. 6: The Christian Moral Vision, by Earl Brill on page 152, the 1976 General Convention (it doesn't give the resolution number) stated the following:

4. That in those cases where it is firmly and deeply believed by the persons concerned that pregnancy should be terminated for causes other than the above [which are: danger to the mother's health, severe fetal deformity, or pregnancy from rape or incest], members of this Church are urged to seek the advice and counsel of a Priest of this Church, and, where appropriate, Penance.

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