Friday, September 21, 2007

Synod in Baltimore

I returned yesterday from the annual synod of the Society of the Holy Cross at Mount Calvary Episcopal Church in Baltimore. It was great to see many old friends again and to meet some new ones. I loved the meditations by Canon Barry Swain, and it was nice to get the printed collection of earlier synod meditations that I was not present to hear.

It was an unexpected pleasure to be invited to serve as the Deacon of the Mass in the main service, a votive of the Holy Cross in which we instituted new members and in which the Master General, Fr David Holding, was the preacher. Thank you to the Rector of Mount Calvary, my old friend and classmate from Nashotah, Fr Jason Catania (the celebrant pictured above). Thank you also to my friend Fr Christopher Cantrell for the pictures. It was privilege to get to meet Adam of Anglo-Catholic Ruminations, who served as an acolyte in the synod Masses. The pictures (which you can click on to see a larger version) from the top are: the invitation to Communion, the elevation of the Host, and the chanting of the Gospel.

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