Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Monday Book Club

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This week, we began our Monday book club at St Alban's, meeting for Mass at 10am in the chapel and then continuing with a discussion of Randy Alcorn's book Heaven. It looks like it will be a good study and the conversation about it was great.

This week we talked about a game plan for our study. At the suggestion of the study guide, we began by reading Revelation 21-22. We then read the Preface and Introduction of Heaven together. From now one, we'll tackle about a section of the book a week (there are twelve in the book). Part one is the "Theology of Heaven." For next Monday, we'll read "Section One: Realizing our Destiny," which includes the chapters:

1 Are You Looking Forward to Heaven?
2 Is Heaven Beyond our Imagination?
3 Is Heaven our Default Destination . . . or is Hell?
4 Can You Know if You're Going to Heaven?

I will be bringing auxiliary material to our discussion. In that regard, I would highly recommend this presentation by N. T. Wright, theologian, biblical scholar, and Bishop of Durham, at the Cathedral of Ss Peter and Paul in Washington DC last year. It is great foundational material that resonates with Alcorn's book.

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