Sunday, September 4, 2011

Stand with Israel

Mordecai Voice
raising a public voice of love and support for Israel from the UK Church

 The Stand-September 13th 3pm-5pm
As many of you are aware, the Palestinian Authority is evidently going to put forth a resolution to be voted by the UN in September this year (some are saying the 20th).  This is a frightening development and one I know will have huge implications for the nations of the world.  As a result the Israeli government has reached out to ICEJ for Christian support!  As for us here it would appear by some commentators that our support for a Palestinian state is almost a foregone conclusion. 
Please check the following link to read MSNBC's take on the EU - particularly 5 paragraphs from the bottom!
These are urgent times I'm sure you'll agree.  Mordecai Voice would like to join with the efforts of many other fantastic organisations in praying and seeking the Lord's face regarding this development, so that we in the UK (especially the Church!) will not be party to what is happening. Therefore because of the urgent nature of what is upcoming we are going to do another  STAND  for/with Israel from the UK church as we did in July.  We have liaised with the police who will again be working with us to ensure another successful and impacting event.  They have suggested Old Palace Yard, right outside Westminster and the Houses of Parliament will be the best place to get the maximum impact and to get the most public, politician and media views. The date for this key event will be Tuesday 13th  September, from 3:00-5:00pm   and will be another chance for us to show that we, as UK Christians, love, support and believe in the scriptural promises for the Jewish people and Israel. We will publically pray, proclaim scriptural truths and prophecies and worship the Lord as we so powerfully did outside the Israeli embassy in July. We have chosen this date to coincide with others who are doing key things.
Please pass this info on as a matter of urgency.  Although one month seems short notice, we have recently conversed with an excellent organisation in Holland that managed to get hundreds of people to publically support Israel with just 2 days notice and I believe that we can 'gather the troops' to be in force, in even greater numbers than July.  Please book your time off work, make preparations and inform me as soon as possible of your involvement at this key event and pass on this info to all you know to be Christian supporters of Israel and God's agendas in these last times.  Please bring your banners again (which were so awesome in July - the banners were shown around the Jewish world via the media, and will be seen again).  Banners of love and support for/with Israel NOT AGAINST the Muslim/Palestinian peoples.  Our mandate is clear; to be publically FOR and WITH Israel, not AGAINST anyone, for our battle is against powers and principalities, not flesh and blood (people). Banners proclaiming Scriptural promises for Israel regarding their land and Jerusalem will also be relevant.

Please spread the word to your contacts and RSVP this email address or as a matter of urgency so we can have an idea of numbers for co-ordination purposes, for this key day.  If you would like leaflets to hand out at your Church/meetings/prayer groups etc please let me know as soon as possible and we will hurry them out to you.
For prayer points please follow the below link for important prayer points from 'Keep Jerusalem United' so that we can form our own prayer 'Security Council's' !
Once again we look forward to standing with you with and for Israel as UK Christians who long to be a part of what God is doing in these key days.
God bless you all
Tim Gutmann

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