Thursday, September 29, 2011

Useful Primers on Fiat Money and Banking

Our lives are controlled to a large extent by the rules of the fiat money world that we are immersed within. It is better that we understand these rules so that we can anticipate and plan for at least some of the turbulence that may come our way.

h/t Mish's Global Economic Analysis

Banking and Money from

Ron Paul's view of the US' monetary conundrum.

Gold as Money FAQs from the Mises Institute

Wikipedia: History of Money

Description of "History of Money" by Glyn Davies. This is one of the most highly regarded histories of money available.

Video (and transcript): Chris Martenson Crash Course Chap. 7 -- Money Creation
Note: Later in his crash course, Martenson falls unwittingly into the twin traps of "peak oil" and "climate hysteria," but his chapters on money present some key concepts in useful ways.

Al Fin economists and child care specialists feel that it is a crime that all children are not educated in money, exchange, and markets from the earliest age. Trading and entrepreneurialism should be second nature to all children raised in a free society. Each citizen should have a sound intuitive sense of money, and keep abreast of the actions of elected representatives which may influence the value of money and the freedom of trade and markets.

Most citizens appear to be almost entirely ignorant on these points. A bitter price will be paid for this ignorance.

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