Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Everything Happens for a Reason

Once two friends planned to build a house for them. They arranged for finance etc and made it.

Their new house was beautifully finished.

They fixed up a date for the “NEW HOUSE FUNCTION /CEREMONY”.

All arrangements were on and they were excited as they approached the day.

The day just before the ceremony, a terrible shock was awaiting all. The house caught fire and entirely damaged.

The people of the village approached one among the friends to say that bad news.

“Your house destroyed in fire “Screamed the people. The person got shocked and instantly died on the spot.

The people were curious to see what would happen to the other one.

They rushed up to him. This time they added much shock and terribleness and informed him that his house got fired and everything has destroyed. Before they were about to inform his friend’s death he rushed to the stall near by and returned there.

To everyone’s surprise he distributed sweets to all happily. People decided to take up an admission for him in the mental hospital nearby. They tried to put him down the happiness and asked him the reason for distributing sweets.

He replied, had the house caught fire a day late! I would be no more alive.

God loves me and have saved me.

“Everything happens but for a reason”

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