Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Series of Dangerous Ideas

Big Think has dubbed August a "month of thinking dangerously". They're posted one radical idea each day, some I've covered before. The ideas are in written or short video format and there is even a "Why We Should Reject This" part at the bottom of each idea. Here's the highlights so far:
  • Drug our Drinking Water: If lithium were added to all US drinking water—and the effect were the same as in Texas's highest-lithium regions—the national suicide rate would drop to 20,831, saving over 13,000 lives. 
  • Sell Your Kidneys: 4,540 Americans died waiting for a kidney transplant in 2008.
  • Erase Traumatic Memories: Researchers have already selectively erased memories in rats, and they have been able to dissociate memories from their negative emotions in humans.
I look forward to the rest of the month. Dedicate some time this entire site, you won't be disappointed.

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