Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Practical Reasons to Have Kids

Children are a financial, time, and emotional drain. So why have them? That's a conversation I've been having with my brother-in-law and new daddy, Stephen Jones. I understand having a baby is not a one person decision and sometimes it's not even something two people can easily do. However, I think the non-emotional benefits of having children are underestimated. So here's a list inspired by the discussion:

1) Because of gains from trade, more people is always better.

2) It's a useful tool for retirement.

3) Underpopulation will a bigger problem than overpopulation.

4) Dedication to a child can increase dedication to others.

5) I'm glad I'm born, so I assume my children will feel the same.

6) Parenting doesn't have to be overly exhausting.

7) You get to pass on your genes.

8) It's a regular reminder that the world doesn't revolve around me.

9) Can increase your social connects, which is essential.

10) You get to pass on your last name.

11) Someone you can raise to think like you.

12) You can teach them to love the things you love (and hate).

13) Children will give you the most honest self-reflection you can get.

14) It will speed your own personal growth.

15) It will create a type of friendship that can't exist otherwise.

16) You get to relive your childhood (books, sports, etc).

17) More people regret not having children than having children.

18) It transforms a couple into a family.

19) An perfect excuse for any unwanted social commitment.

20) You can take personal days even if you personally are not sick.

21) You will stay current with culture.

22) Make you more involved with your community.

23) God says you should.

24) Here's one straight from the mouth a new father: "He smiled at me the other day and it felt like everything was right with the world."

25) Sometimes a story is better than facts. So here's a thousand word story:

my new nephew

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