Monday, July 13, 2009

A Tiger, a Goat and a Cabbage

In this Puzzle, a Man is traveling with a Tiger, a Goat and a Cabbage.
I have no idea why he would be travelling with such a strange assortment,
but there he is anyway.
At one point in his journey, he comes to a River which is too deep to wade across,
and too wide to swim across so he is in a quandry on how to continue.
He notices a small boat tied to the near shore, but the boat is too small to fit all his belongings into, but it is large enough so that he can safely row across with one belonging at a time.

The problem is that if he rows across with the tiger first, then the goat will eat the cabbage,
and if he rows across with the cabbage first, the tiger will eat the goat.

How can he safely cross the river with all his things intact?

I. First a man will go with a goat.
II. Then go with a tiger and bring his goat back with him.
III. Then bring the cabbage with him leaving a goat at First side of river.
IV. Now Tiger and cabbage are on another side of river and now a man will go
to that of river with his goat.
This is the ideal solution from which he could cross the river with all his belongings intact.

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