Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Typewriter Style

The height of modern industrial design and portability were exemplified in this new design of the Olivetti Lettera 32 typewriter in 1963. Weighing in at about 13 pounds, this diminutive beauty was a great convenience for students and journalists. With a flick of a switch, the type changed from black to red or no ink for carbon copies.

Design conscious from early on, Olivetti was founded in Italy in 1908. From the 1940s to the 1960s Marcello Nizzoli, (1887-1969) one of Italy's most influential designers, directed product design including the iconic early Letteras. In addition to his role as head product-design consultant, he also worked for Olivetti as an architect, designing housing for employees (1948) and office buildings (1960s).

Click here for a delightful gallery of Olivetti's portable typewriters at the Portable Typewriter Reference Site.

Below are some vintage images of earlier brands of typewriters and their typists/writers and assemblers.
Typing pool, circa 1890

Sales office, circa 1900

Assemblers, circa 1911

These images appear courtesy of The Virtual Typewriter Museum. Please click on over to see all their collections.

Back at 973, the little Olivetti sits out with a piece of paper in the roller at the ready. The grocery list grows; a reminder to return a call is added; and other terrifically important notes are kept in one convenient place in our writing machine.

It's still a great way to communicate!

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