Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Diminutive Designs in Cork

The Annual Champagne Chair Contest by Design Within Reach poses the challenge to create an original miniature chair using only the foil, label, cage and cork from no more than two Champagne bottles. The contest rolls around just before New Year's when you might be planning to enjoy a little bubbly. If you are not big on Champagne, they will also accept the recycled cork and foil set-up from any sparkling wine.
Three top winners were selected from the 2009 entries. The Kub Armchair (top) by Jesse Menayan was named as the Judges’ Pick. The Grape Divine Chair (just above) by Tony Nemyer was selected as the DWR Staff Pick, and Spring 2009 (below) by Gavri Slasky won the Popular Vote.
For more information on the contest and where to view a traveling exhibit of the top 50 winning designs, click over to DWR.

Images courtesy of Design Within Reach

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