Thursday, August 16, 2007

For your listening pleasure . . .

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First, click here to listen to an excellent commentary on "Orthodoxy in Anglican Worship" by my friend, the Rev'd Canon Thomas Janikowski of Grace Church, Galesburg IL (pictured above). His examination of "right glory" in our worship comes as a part of the general conversation in response to the Common Cause theological statement. My favorite line is, "Worship is not for us, but for God." That is something worth remembering. (Tip of the biretta to the Common Anglican.)

Second, click here to listen to a stirring rendition of the hymn "Hail, Holy Queen Enthroned Above." The recording was made by Fr Z at the Solemn Mass for the Assumption last year at the cathedral in Camden NJ. It has been one of my favorites and was sung by the congregation at my ordination to the priesthood. (Tip of the biretta to the New Liturgical Movement.)

Happy listening.

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