Thursday, July 12, 2007

A look back to that night at St Patrick's

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In celebration of the motu proprio Summurum Pontificum, here are a few pictures from the Solemn Pontifical Mass celebrated by Alfons Cardinal Stickler from the 1962 Missal on 12 May 1996 at St Patrick's Cathedral. It was the first time the high altar had been used and the first time the tridentine rite had been used there in a generation.
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It was the Fifth Sunday of Easter, it was also 6pm on Mother's Day, and yet they came. Back in the sacristy, John Cardinal O'Conner remarked that he had never seen so many people fill the church, as preparations were underway to receive the visiting prefect emeritus of the Vatican Library. Over 5,000 people would fill the pews on that occasion, shocking the diocesan chancery and the local Catholic establishment.
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Cardinal Stickler arrived by limousine and was escorted into the cathedral by Fr John Perricone of St Agnes' Church in Manhattan. Led by the local Knights of Columbus, the prelate processed into the church wearing the scarlet cappa magna with train and proceeded to a side altar where he was solemnly vested for the liturgy.
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John Cardinal O'Conner, a friend of Stickler and the Archbishop of New York, gave a warm welcome to the assembled faithful. "I feel priveledged that you have requested this Mass be celebrated here in what is your cathedral," he told the crowd. "All are welcome here. We are one body, one body in Christ. It is imperative that you know how warmly and enthusiastically you are welcomed on this very special occasion."
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It was certainly counter-cultural, but it was not a protest. There were no dissidents. There were no complaints. It was a gathering of the faithful--young and old, children and adults, women and men, people from every race and nationality--to give thanks for their heritage and to celebrate their faith. And the best way to do that is with the solemn worship of Almighty God.
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Photos from The Latin Mass Magazine.

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