Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Katherine heads to Blue Lake

Once again, the Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp summer shuttle has begun.

Katherine began Session II at the arts camp in the Muskegon County hill country.
She and I both were up before dawn today as she finished packing for her 12 days surrounded by highly talented people.
She had barely checked in when she began making friends -- that's the way she works, anyway. She also got to wear a red name tag, symbolizing that she's a third-year camper. That immediately led to people wearing white tags to flock to her, asking for help and directions. Katherine was, of course, happy to oblige, walking one very lost and frightened first-year camper to the opening audition.

Of course, the word "international" kept coming up in the girls' conversation. Katherine's trip to Germany and France last summer is something she is justifiably proud of doing.

She freely admits she chose this particular session this summer because the choir will be led by Mark Webb, who led last year's international tour. She just thinks incredibly highly of that instructor.
I can hardly wait for the final concert.

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